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The ground transformed, the rock spikes were enveloping Nathan and Eva, advancing towards them. Some of them broke Eva's shield. Nathan tried to grab as many as he could and break them
Kai hit the boy from behind, distracting him. The spikes halted. Eva and Nathan jumped out of the spike cave saving themselves. Kai was hit by the other man.
Eva sprinted towards the boy. "Stop!", he yelled. Eva halted. The boy's eyes looked normal now. "Please I don't wanna fight you, help me!", he yelled. He was on the ground and couldn't get up. "He is controlling us. Please help us! Listen, please I lose my mind", he was saying something but Eva couldn't hear him, Eva brought her ear near to his lips to hear what he was saying.
"But-", Eva said.
Before she could say something the boy's gaze froze he closed his eyes then opened them again and they were blank. He had lost his mind again. With a metal piece in his palm, he made a blade, hurling it at her. Eva flinched and jumped back. As she sensed the pain in her shoulder, she saw her skin near her shoulder torn and bleeding. The boy got up. The sharpness of the blade had made the boy's hand red with blood too. But now as senseless he was, he neither cared for pain nor for his life. The only thing his blank mind knew was to kill the people in front of him.

The man looked at Mira with his blank eyes. The thought of not having anything to protect herself made Mira scared. She was not Ellen who could jump in a fight without any hesitation. Kai was on the ground while Eva and Nathan were fighting the other boy. As Mira thought about what she could do but not be a bother to anyone, She felt something against her skin climbing her legs. As soon as she looked down, she was devoured by chains. The chains bound her from head to toe. She grabbed the chains that tightened around her throat, choking her. The man was standing still. Now, the only thing she could do was ask for help. She couldn't do anything to help anyone or herself. She saw a vision of herself when she was 12- Sitting alone in a room and crying. Because her father wasn't there for her anymore. He died after fighting an illness. He didn't win. She thought if she had been braver or smarter or something else maybe she could have prevented this misfortune. The vision of being bullied in the school because of being quiet flashed through her mind. She didn't protect herself from that. Why fight if you cannot win? Every day her mother worked all day for her, but what did she do for her mother? The only thing she did was come home and cry. It was hard for her mother too. But a child as young as her wouldn't understand. Then they moved from their house and came to live here. Mira never tried to befriend anyone and decided to never rely on anyone. Because if she did, she would be hurt. She wouldn't bother mom and would work hard on her own. She would never cry in front of her. That way she would be fine. She would be fine as long as she didn't care about anyone. But what had changed? Now she was in a situation where she couldn't even help herself let alone others. Her fear made her want to run away. Was she running away all her life too? Was she not facing her fear? What was her fear? Maybe she thought she wouldn't make bonds because she would never be strong enough to protect the people around her. A person who couldn't even protect herself how could she protect others? After finding that book, her life changed. She was forced to connect with someone. She did well in her first fight, she thought. She became a little hopeful as she had the book. But now the book was gone. She was useless. Is that all the strength she had? "Now I remember I hate this feeling of helplessness. Eva can fight. Kai can fight. Even Ellen who doesn't have any ability goes to fight. Why can't I come out of my fear? How long am I going to be scared? I don't want to lose. I couldn't save my dad but I don't want to lose today or anymore or anyone. I am tired of being scared. Even if I can't win, I want to fight!", Mira grasped the chains around her throat and crushed them. She freed herself.
The man devised a sword. He sprinted towards Mira and leaped at her. She jumped.  The man ran away from her towards Kai.
"Kai!", yelled Mira.
Kai saw him coming towards himself. He jumped trying to dodge."Crap! I can't do anything! The seal has weakened but I have been fighting too much. I don't have enough power to transform", thought Kai. Mira jumped in front of the man. The man swung his sword at him. Kai ducked and moved swiftly forward and punched his stomach, sending him flying through the air. Kai panted. "I don't have enough energy to hit him." Mira sprinted towards him, he was still on the ground, she aimed her punch at him, smashing the ground. The man rolled away dodging her. He got up. Again he swung his sword at her. Mira grasped the sword firm and forced it back trying to push it through his chest. Her hand was turning red as blood dripped on the ground. She yelled and with all her might pushed the sword, the man howled as it pierced his chest. He fell to the ground. As Mira breathed a sigh of relief, she saw the man got up again.
"He is so persistent! Has being controlled made him lose his sense of pain?", Mira thought.

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