Gigi shook her head, "No. I'll go in," she knew Emmy was scheduled for a cool surgery that she'd been talking about for the last week. The whole reason Emmy was here was because of her and she was missing so much of her education, so if she stayed Gigi know Emmy would also stay, "I'm just going to jump in the shower, really quick. I won't take long."

"You don't have to go in, you have a fever."

Gisele got up, trying her best to conceal the wince, "Nope, You are going because you wouldn't shut up about this surgery. And you can't for sure know on just feeling my forehead."

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

Gisele chose to ignore her and walked to the bathroom and began taking off her sweats when the pain from her side flared up again causing her to double over in pain. She guessed Emmy had heard since she marched into the bathroom.

"Okay, what is up?" Emmy looked down to see Gigi was wearing adult diapers, she furrowed her brows, "Are you wearing a diaper?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," Gisele breathed through the pain for a moment as the pain faded then stood up straight, "And yes I am, I have to pee fifty thousand times a day now and constantly going to the bathroom is annoying... I also peed myself when I was walking out of a surgery yesterday," Emmy bursted out laughing, Gigi punched her arm, "It's not funny, I can't hold it."

"Is it even comfortable?"

Gisele shrugged, "Kinda, but it's way more comfortable than peeing my pants."

"Okay, well. Hurry because we're already late." Emmy said, walking out of the bathroom.

Gisele had barley managed to change into her scrubs when she was paged to the ER by Arizona, the pain from her abdomen had settled a bit she was beginning to think this wasn't normal and decided if she was still in pain by the end of the day she would tell Arizona.

She entered the emergency room and was suddenly dragged into an empty trauma room, the sudden movement caused the pain to flare up, "Ow, Arizona!" she yanked her arm out of the culprits hand.

"Sorry, are you okay?" The blonde noticed how Gigi held her arm across her abdomen.

She nodded, "Yes, why?"

"You weren't here for rounds and you took forever to get here. Jenny is in trauma 1, she slipped on some dishes and cut her abdomen, theyre pretty deep-"

Gigi cut her off, "Arizona, I'm not on your service. I don't want to be around people. I'm pretty sure I told you that."

"I know but you're the best resident in this hospital."

"No." Gigi stated firmly.

Arizona groaned, "Fine, oh one more thing."


"My custody trial is starting in a few days and I was wondering if you could testify for me?"

Gisele nodded, agreeing immediately, "Of course," she thought Callie was being selfish and idiotic for wanting to move across the country for some she had barley met a few months ago, especially since she had a child that lived here and her other parent was here.

Arizona moved forward quickly and wrapped her arms around Gisele and squeezing her tightly, a little too tight, "Thank you."

Gisele winced, her left side felt like someone shoved a hot poker and was twisting it, "Arizona let go. You're squeezing way too tight."

The blonde immediately let the brunette go, "Sorry, sorry. Are you sure you're okay?"

Gigi took shallow breathes, trying to push the pain away.

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