Chapter 23: Too Many Realizations

Start from the beginning

"That's different," Callum argued, knowing what I was talking about. His eyes were trained on my wrists, where the bracelets were. Changing the subject skillfully. "How about we just take them off and get it over with?"

"Sure." I raised my hands, and Callum carefully grasped my bracelets. Both of us were tense all of a sudden, a current charged in the air. 

As soon as he put magical pressure on the bracelets, I felt it. Excruciating pain zapped through my whole body, making me cry out, "Agh!" I couldn't hold it in.

It felt as though my energy has been sucked out, and I was rendered completely faint, swaying until Callum caught me in his strong arms. "Freya can you hear me?" Callum asked me frantically, holding me tightly.

 A worried look marred on his face that I could barely see as I tired to open my eyes.  "I feel..." I couldn't finish my sentence because the tiredness washed over me.


I woke up with a start. Lifting up my hands, I groaned when I saw the bracelets still on full display. I needed to hide them, so I wore a long sleeve shirt, hoping no one would ask me if they saw. I washed my face, hoping I didn't look too bad. I went to my suitcase to maybe find a skincare product...

"You're awake." Julian entered my tent with Callum behind him. Holding a tray for me.

I straightened, standing up as Julian placed the tray on the thing they call a bed. The plate held fresh bread (I knew Lorraine liked to bake it fresh every single morning- yum), three different kinds of jams and a bowl of strawberries with a glass of orange juice. I think this was them spoiling me. Such a simple breakfast, yet I felt this food was better than anything I've had.

"Thanks," I said, popping a strawberry in my mouth, trying not to look at Callum.

"You passed out when I tried to get rid of the bracelets," Callum replied. I remembered the pain and the panic in Callum's voice. "It seems like magic makes them appear, but it'll take a toll on you if we try to get it out."

Julian looked between us. "You won't try to see what happens? I want to see-"

"No I won't do it. I won't be the cause of your pain because I can't stand to see it." Callum's tone held finality in it. 


Since Callum decided he couldn't for the time being let that pain happen to me again with the bracelets, the next few days were pretty uneventful. 

Flora didn't mention anything with Adrienne, and I knew maybe I needed to hear him out. About what exactly, I didn't know, but I needed something to distract me. My thoughts going to how I can get Callum to just do it and get it over with and him dying were on my mind.

There was a dance that the pack was preparing for which the Fighter Pack also joined, much like the play event. This was a time where everyone was happy and cheerful, and to boost morale up. Julian knew his pack needed it right now, so he gave the green light.

Party planning this event didn't even make me excited. Enjoying all the fine details and bossing people around wasn't the same. Lorraine managed it for the most part, but I did make some suggestions with what the decorations should look like. And expanding the dance space with lights.

I was pacing around, trying to let go of my swarming thoughts. When I handed Opal her letter, she didn't say anything about it because of just- everything. I mentioned to her it looked like Callum didn't open the envelope yet, so that had to be a good thing. Opal's reaction was only that of guilt.

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