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Harry stood, his feet planted on the ground, staring up at the stars. He had grown over the summer, beginning to tower over Hermione. The fresh August breeze swam through his hair, only making it more of a mess.

School was starting a few days, and he couldn't have asked for a better end to his summer. He got to stay with the Weasley's, and be with his closest friends. He would forever be greatful for mending his bond with Draco.

The tan boy took a quick swig of his punch, thinking over the events of the summer. Was this really his reality? Was he finally free? God, what a wonderful reality that would be.

The front door of the Burrow opened, but closed shortly after. Draco made his way towards Harry, setting his cup on a bench to his left.

"Didn't expect you to be out here," Draco chuckles, coming to Harry's side.

"Why not?"

"You have all those people you can surround yourself with. But you choose to be outside."

"It get's crowded quickly."

"Lupin was looking for you."

"He'll be fine. I'm sure whatever he has to say can wait."

"He's worried about you… Says you've changed since Sirius died."

"Maybe I have, but have you seen him?  He lost the love of his life that day. I could never even begin to imagine what that is like. Sirius was a part of him. Now he's gone… agian."

"Lupin was in love with Sirius Black?"

"Yes, he was," Harry sighed, turning so he could face Draco, who he found was already looking at him. "He loved him for years before he ever 'manned up' and told him."

There was a silence, Draco taking all of this information in. Harry looked down at his feet, then into his empty cup. He thought about the way Remus had worded his story of the time he came out and admitted his feelings to Sirius. I just had to man up, Remus had said. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I just had to do it. Now, could Harry really do it?

He sighed, finally looking up at Draco, gazing into his beautiful, mercury eyes.

"I know this news isn't exactly new, but I'm in love with you, Draco. I have been since fourth year. I just haven't had the guts to tell anyone. Especially you," Harry chuckled, returning his gaze to his feet.

Draco put a hand under Harry's chin, and guiding Harry to look back up at him. He smiled a smile Harry had never seen before - both kind and calm. He brought his lips to Harry's, gifting him with a soft and gentle kiss. They rested their foreheads together, Harry dropping his cup as Draco slipped his free hand into Harry's. 

"I'm in love with you, Harry. Mind doing me a favor?"

"Hm? What's that?"

Harry couldn't stop himself from smiling like an idiot.

"Be mine?"


The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang