T W E N T Y - O N E

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Their bags could have been heavier.

Harry had packed a few items, like his clothes, wand, invisibility cloak, and photobook. It was everything he needed. Draco, on the other hand, was disappointed in how little he could bring. His discovery that most of his personal belongings had been destroyed - by Dudley, of course - had possibly been the most amusing thing Harry had witnessed all summer.

So now, after hours of trying to get Draco to calm down, they sat across from each other on the floor. Harry had no idea what was going to happen, or how it was going to happen. Draco talked about nonsense, random things that Harry paid no attention to, his gaze fixed on the wall behind Draco.

"So, what's the game plan?" Harry finally looked into Draco's eyes, interrupting him mid sentence.

"What do you mean?"

"You can't possibly be that stupid," Harry teased. "How are we getting out of here? I know that you talked to Hermione, but you never said anything to me."

"Right." Draco looked at the clock. Five more minutes. "Well, we don't really have a 'game plan.' We kinda just figured we would go along with what happened."

"You are that stupid." Harry stared at him, wide-eyed. He groaned. "What happens if we are ambushed?"

"You're making this sound like we are at war with someone."

"I mean, we kind of are." Harry shrugged. "Listen, what if death eaters surround us? They're apparating all over the place, jumping back and forth and attacking us," Harry put his hands on Draco's knees. Draco gasped in surprise. "You can't tell where the spells are coming from, and, all of a sudden," Harry brought his face towards Draco's, "one is in your face and-"

Harry stopped. Time froze for an instant too short. The only thing that seemed to matter were the mercury eyes he stared into. For Draco, it was the same. Those bright green eyes. He could feel his cheeks begin to heat, but he couldn't push Harry off. He couldn't force him away.

He couldn't understand it. Their hearts only seemed to beat faster the longer they stared. Draco's eyes fell subconsciously to Harry's lips. He lingered there for a moment or two.

"Harry, I..." Draco whispered, his lips ghosting over Harry's. His eyes closed as the space between them slowly filled.


The two boys jumped apart at the sound of something hitting the window. A small crack in the glass had formed.

"What the hell?" Harry cursed, sounding irritated. He stood, walking towards the window. Down below, a familiar bushy-haired girl stood. Surprised, Harry unlocked and pushed open his window.

"Hermione?" He called.

She put a finger to her lips, telling him to be quiet. She waved at him to come down. Harry nodded, then shut his window and walked to where he had set his bag and grabbed his wand from his nightstand. Draco, however, was still on the same spot on the floor.

"Draco? You alright?"

"Yeah," Draco murmured. I just nearly kissed Harry Potter. "I'm great. Perfect, even."

"Okay? We should probably get going." Harry looked at the clock. "It's nearly five after."

"Alright. I'll be there in a minute," Draco breathed, willing his heart to slow. He'd been moments away from acting on this stupid thing he had only seemed to have recently figured out. Oh dear Lord, had he truly fallen for Harry?

Harry nodded, giving him an odd look. He placed his hand on the knob, praying for it to be open. The door slowly opened, and Harry crept downstairs. He quickly stopped by his old bedroom (the cupboard) to grab his broom before he went outside.

"Harry!" Hermione immediately captured him in a hug. "It's so good to see you again."

"You too, Hermione." Harry hugged Hermione back as he looked at Ron. "Hey, Ron."

"Hey, mate. Where's Malfoy?"

Harry shrugged. "He's inside. Said he'd be out in a minute."

Hermione had a worried look on her face. "Well, he better get out of here quickly. " She lowered her voice. "I think we're being watched."

"What makes you-"

He cut himself off when he heard rustling in some nearby bushes. He mouthed 'Oh' to them. They both nodded. Not too long after, Draco appeared from out of the front door, his bag hung from his shoulder.

"Let's get going." Draco had a stern yet determined expression. And when his eyes met Harry's, they both immediately knew something could go horribly wrong.

Little did they know how right they were...

(A/N: Oh what a horrible thing it is for me to say that the story is almost over.)

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