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Draco scrambled to his feet. Looking back at the closed door. 

"Already lost the guest bedroom, huh?"

Draco refused to believe that that just happened, and he was in this room with him. He grabbed the handle of the door, and tried to pull it open. He tugged and pulled on the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"There's no point in trying," Potter said behind him. "They lock the door as soon as they shut it."

Draco whipped around to look at Potter. He sat in the small, twin sized bed, using a lamp that was placed on a nightstand so he could read. Potter looked away from his book and up at Draco, who he could tell was fuming.

“What do you mean?” Draco asked.

“Mean what?” The Boy Who Lived raised his eyebrow. Draco rolled his eyes. He stared at Potter, his anger starting to rise to the top.

“What do you mean, lost the guest bedroom?” Draco asked, tapping his foot, waiting for an answer. Potter sighed and got out of the small bed. There was something about the way he walked, it was nothing like how he walked at school. Instead of walking around like an idiot, he slouched, looking more like a civil human being, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

“Having the guest room is a privilege he has just stripped you of. You’re in my room, so you obviously did something at,” Potter checked his watch, “two in the morning that angered my Uncle. He gets angry easily, you’ll get used to that.” Potter shrugged.

Draco could see the bags under his eyes. He could hear how his words curled with anger as he spoke about his uncle.

“Dudley, out of all of them, is the one you want to watch out for. He gets whatever he wants, whenever he wants.”

“What do you mean? What makes your Uncle angry? What about your Aunt?” The questions poured out of Draco’s mouth like a child. “What is it with your cousin? Why-”

“That’s enough.” Potter demanded. “No more questions. We best get to bed. You can use the bed, I’ll sleep on the floor.”  He walked over to the lamp and was about to click it off when Draco asked yet another question.

“Why are you giving me the bed? I might as well just sleep on the floor.” Draco snapped, pointing his nose up in the air slightly.

“Because you are the guest.” Potter hissed, “and unlike a certain someone, I know some respect. I’m not entirely a horrible person.” Just as he finished the sentence, he clicked the lamp off, leaving the room in the dark.

Draco scrambled towards the bed, startled by the sudden darkness. Potter chuckled. “That’s what I thought.” With that the room went silent, and Draco, while rather hesitantly, layed down on the bed.


As Draco curled up in the thin sheets, he noted how uncomfortable Potter had looked as he asked all of those questions. He remembered a look of worry flashing across his features for just the slightest moment. He noted how Potter looked scared to answer these questions. There was something off about this family. There were secrets upon secrets that this family held, and Draco was giong to figure them all out. Maybe he’ll even be able to expose some of Potter's family.

But then he noted the small smile that flashed across Har-... Potter's face just before he flicked the light off. He remembered how he wished he could stare at the smile forever. He had seen him smile before, of course, but not like that. It was small and lasted only a second. Wait a minute…

Why was he thinking about this boy's smile? Out of all things he could think about, he was thinking about Potter’s smile? Seriously? He could be thinking about how he could ruin this boy's life, or how he could make it as miserable as possible. 

Draco could be thinking about what slurs he could throw in Potter’s direction, or how his hair flowed perfectly into his face, or how his emerald green eyes sparkled in the lamp light-

Wait, stop. What was going on? He had been having thoughts such as these nearly all summer. Yet he could not figure out a logical reason as to why. 

The two boys got little sleep the rest of that night. At one point, Draco could have sworn he had heard crying coming from somewhere in the bedroom, but passed it on as nothing. When Draco finally fell asleep, he had a restless and dreamless sleep.

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now