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The front door slammed open. The whole house seemed to rattle with the intense bang. Vernon was home. Draco could hear his infuriated voice all the way upstairs in Potter’s room with the door shut. Draco sighed. He sounded truly angry this time, not far from how he usually sounded, but worse than that. He was always angry. Purely and utterly angry. The commotion in this house was always a headache. 

Draco was laying on the bed in Potter's room, staring up at the ceiling when the loud sound came out of nowhere. It startled him, almost causing him to fall off of the bed. He clutched the side of the bed to prevent his fall. Fortunately, he succeeded, though he was still shaking slightly. Draco sat up right, then swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He might as well  get up to find out what all of the commotion was about.

He snuck out of the room, making sure to be quiet. There wasn’t really a point in being quiet, the floorboards were always rather creaky, but he tried his best.

“Where is the boy?” Draco heard Vernon demand. Draco knew they were talking about Potter.

“He is out running an errand for me.” Petunia scoffed.

Draco stopped walking at the top of the stairs. Was this really a good idea, going downstairs? Maybe, if he were caught, he could just say something stupid. That’ll do the trick. The people aren’t very bright, that much is true. So, without a second thought, he began descending down the stairs.

“Well he needs to hurry up. He has things to get done. Dudley’s room needs cleaning and so does the bathroom.”

“Why should he have to clean Dudley’s room? Shouldn’t Dudley clean it himself?” The two adults both turned to look at Draco, both of them looking at them as if he told them he used the cruciatus curse on their cat.

Draco continued to keep a calm composure, looking at both of the adults as if they were his professors.

“Were you eavesdropping? Petunia yipped.

“Indeed I was.” Draco admitted, shrugging slightly. “However, I do think it is quite odd that Duddley doesn’t clean his room.”

“What are you doing down here, anyway?” Vernon groaned. He crossed his arms, squinting his eyes at Draco.

Think of something! Quick!

“I was going outside.” Draco responded, still remaining calm. Perhaps that was the best way to handle this situation.

“In those wretched clothes?! HA!” Vernon laughed. “You look like a homeless man.”

Draco looked down at himself. His clothing wasn’t awful. He was quite comfortable in this outfit, the forest green robes soft, and made of a t-shirt like material. But still...

“Watch your mouth. My mother hand stitched this for me.” He didn't mean to snap, but these robes meant everything to him.

“She isn’t very good at it, don’t you think, Vernon?” Petunia looked at her beloved husband. Draco rolled his eyes. "You don't look… normal. All in all, a freak like you shouldn't be seen outside."

"I beg your pardon?!" Draco's eyes widened and his fist clenched. "What did you just call me?!" Draco walks towards the adults.

The door opened and closed behind Draco. There was silence.

"What is going on?" He heard Harry ask. The boy walked towards the situation cautiously, and into the kitchen, setting the paper bag he had clutched in his hands on the table.

"Go back up to your room. You don't understand what it's like in our situation." Petunia snapped at Draco, holding her overly-proud son by his shoulders. What situation?

"I don't know if I'm remembering incorrectly or if you're just daft, but, news flash, I don't have a room!" Draco snarled, shaking his head. "Rather, I have to share one with that bloody oaf-"


A sharp pain met his cheek. Draco fumbled backwards, looking up at Vernon, who appeared unfazed. Draco saw Potter's head dropp and his face sadden with what looked like shame.

"Don't talk back to me, freak." Vernon hissed, spitting at Draco. "You should be grateful we even took you in. You could be a lonely pathetic, cowering with your mummy. Potter," Harry's head shot up, his body tensing. "Take this brat up to his room."

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." Harry quickly made his way towards Draco, stopping for just a moment to look him in his eyes.

God, those emerald green eyes...

"Let's go." He whispered in a slightly angry tone.

The two boys began to walk, not talking whatsoever. "Oh, and Harry," Vernon called. Harry stopped in his tracks, his face flooding with worry. "Come back downstairs when you are done."

"Yes, Uncle Vernon."

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن