T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Two men sat in the cathedral-like room. One a monster, and the other the monster's slave. He whimpered as he told the man in front of him the information that he found would be valuable.

“Yes, master,” the hunched over man confirmed. “I saw them. They were at a park in Surrey!”

“And how do you know this, exactly?” The snake-like man came out of the shadows. His red eyes had no sparkle, no glimmer. They were as dead as he might as well be.

The man laughed. “I’m an unregistered animagus. Just so happens to be a fox.”

Voldemort eyed him. “I see… and you said Lucius’ boy was involved?”

The man nodded vigorously. “He was with them! Actually talking to them!”

Voldemort cursed under his breath. “How do I know you’re telling me the truth? Why should I send my death eaters if you're lying to me? Why shouldn’t I just kill on the spot? You’ve not been a very loyal follower.”

The man whimpered, falling to his knees. “Please, my lord! I ask you to spare me! I would never lie to you!”

“And yet, you just did.”

The man said nothing. His eyes were wide as Voldemort stood from his throne-like chair, circling the man. He seemed to tower over his slave, only terrifying him more.

“I’ll make a deal with you, Duras,” Voldemort stopped and dropped to Duras’s eye level. “Bring me Harry Potter and the Malfoy boy and I will spare you. Fail to do this and - well - we’ll see when we get there.” 

“Yes, my lord! Anything for you!”


Harry saw it all.

The discussion between Voldemort and his servant played on repeat in the back of his mind. Everything began to fade to black, his vision going in and out. He gasped when he opened his eyes once more (the light of the full moon was blinding) only for Harry to collapse, crumbling to the ground.

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now