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Dear Severus,
The Dursley’s are strange people,
I can send an owl later to discuss it.
But I have one simple request, do you or 
mother mind bringing me an extra bed? I’d 
rather not go into the details of this request.

 A response is not necessary.




Harry bustled about the kitchen. There was something about today, something that made Draco think it was important. He had never seen anyone clean faster before. Then again, he never paid any attention to the way the house elves cleaned.

Draco sat at the kitchen table, staring at the piece of parchment he had scribbled messily on. He hadn’t been able to focus on anything since last week. Since he had agreed to a truce with Harry Potter, his mind has been painfully blurry.

Draco tickled his nose with the feather of his quill, thinking. He had done way too much of that, it made his head spin. He had paid much more attention to the family’s behavior. It was always the same.

In the morning, Vernon went to work at five o’clock precisely. Petunia woke up at five-thirty, then woke up her son ten minutes later. Dudley goes to school at seven o’clock, and Petunia leaves for Merlin knows what everyday at nine. 

Harry, however, gets up at four in the morning. He spends the first half-hour pacing or muttering to himself. But when the door is unlocked, he leaves quickly and begins to clean.

That’s all he ever did, clean. He raked the lawn, did the dishes, anything, really. Anything that he was told to do, he did.

“What are you writing there?” Harry pulled Draco out of his thoughts and into the real world.

Draco looked over at Harry, who was still bouncing about the kitchen organizing everything he felt necessary.

“A letter.”

“To whom, might I ask?”

“My godfather.”


Draco sighed, “Professor Snape.”

"Ofcourse, he’s your godfather.”

“Don’t sound so surprised, Potter.”

“Sorry.” Harry sighed. “What are you writing to him about?”

Draco paused. What should he say? Should he tell him the truth or tell him something false?

“I’m asking for a favor.” Draco replied simply.

Harry stopped, his hand resting on a cabinet door. He turns his head slightly. “What is this favor?” Harry whispers.

He turns towards Draco completely, eyeing him. He slowly works his way towards Draco, not taking his eyes off the parchment.

“Nothing.” Draco lied.

Draco placed a hand over the small piece of parchment, slowly sliding off of the table. But before he got the chance to hide it under the wooden surface, Harry snatched it out of his hands. He scanned the parchment, his eyes widening.

“Hey, give it-“

Harry ripped the paper to pieces. One small tear at a time. He walked over towards the garbage bin and threw it inside.

“What the hell?” Draco exclaimed, looking at him as if he had torn apart his most prized possession.

“You shouldn’t ask for stuff like that.” Harry turned back around and continued his bustling. “It’ll keep you out of trouble.”

“What is it with you and staying out of trouble? It’s weird.”

“This place is different from Hogwarts.”

“I know th-“

“DOBBY!” Harry bellowed, nearly startling Draco out of his seat.

A loud pop sounded, and Draco could not believe his eyes. He saw a face he thought he would never see again.

“Harry Potter! It is so wonderful to- what is he doing here?” Dobby looked around the room, stopping to stare at Draco with an awful glower.

“He isn’t here by choice.” Harry said, Dobby looked back at him. 

“Is he Harry Potter's friend?”

“I guess you could say that.” Harry suddenly looks embarrassed.

“Then I shall be at Master Draco’s disposal.” Dobby turned towards Draco and bowed.

“Good, very good. Anyway, would you mind helping me?” 

“With what?”

“Cleaning. I just need a tad bit of-“

Dobby snapped his fingers, and the house was suddenly sparkling.  Everything Harry needed to do was done, and then some. Draco turned and looked at his former house elf with much surprise. Who knew house elves are capable of so much?

“Wow. Thanks, Dobby!"

“Is that all Harry Potter needs?” Dobby smiled shyly.

“It is. Thank you.”

“Dobby is always willing to help a friend.”

“Thank you.” 

There was another loud pop, and Dobby was gone. Draco slumped back in his chair. Harry broke into a small smile (Draco’s heart fluttered because of it). He looked around the room, his eyes widening as he stared at the grandfather clock in his living room.

“Merlin's beard! I have to go.” Harry jumped, pacing towards the door.

“What, why?” Draco looked at him with confusion.  He stood up from his spot on the table, and began to trial behind Harry. Why was he suddenly in such a huge rush?

“I was able to contact Hermione a few days ago.” Harry went on to explain. “We are scheduled to meet not too far from here.”

“Wait- you're leaving me here, alone?” Draco stopped in his tracks. This could not be happening.

“Yes. I really have to go,” Harry swung the door open. “Keep out of trouble while I’m gone!”


The door slammed in Draco’s face.

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now