T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Draco moved in front of him, placing a hand on his cheek. Harry's eyes shot open almost instantly, but Draco jumped backwards, his eyes wide. His eyes weren't the same. They were completely white.

"Harry!" Hermione cried, running towards him, immediately trying to shake him awake from whatever trance he was put under.

Ron turned to Draco aggressively, pointing his wand at his chest. "What did you do?! What hex do you have him under?" Ron was furious; he marched towards Draco as the blonde backed away cautiously.

"I didn't do this!"

"I find that incredibly hard to believe, Malfoy." Draco's back met with a tree, Ron's wand meeting his throat soon afterward. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted you!"

"Ron! Stop," Hermione cried as she walked away from Harry and towards the boys. "He was trying to help!"

"Hermione, when has he ever wanted to help us?! For all we know, he could be working for You-Know-Who!"

Ron faced Hermione, removing his wand from Draco's jugular. He was seething, and didn't trust Draco at all. It was clear that he didn't want to even be in the same area as Draco.

"Why would I work for him?!"

"Because you are a Malfoy." Ron was facing Draco now. "You come from a family of Death Eaters! Do I need to remind me of your father who-"

"You have no right to compare me to my father!"


"What?!" Both boys chimed, their fists clenched.

Hermione pointed to Harry, whose eyes were now closed. He looked so relaxed and peaceful. The three eyed each other, carefully moving toward him. None of them spoke. 

When Harry's eyes shot open, Draco didn't notice that they were back to their original colour first. Instead, he noticed the absolute and blood-draining fear that shadowed his eyes. His normally tan face was pale. Extremely pale. 

Harry gasped; his breath heavy and came in short, sharp intervals. He looked between the three that surrounded him, fear washing over his features, before collapsing to the ground.

The others stood there, stunned. None of them knew what was happening, though they had a feeling it wasn't good. It was only a moment after Harry collapsed that he jumped back, looking just as frazzled.

Draco rushed to catch him as Harry stumbled backward, tumbling over his feet. Hermione and Ron continued to stare in utter confusion as Draco helped Harry steady himself. Even when he was able to stand properly, Draco didn't leave his side.

"Harry?" Ron finally cleared the silence. "Are you alright? What's going on?"

Harry frantically shook his head. "No, no. I'm not okay. We are in trouble. Really big trouble."

"What do you mean?" Draco asked him, looking down slightly at Harry.

"He knows. I saw it."

They immediately knew who he was talking about.

"I knew it!" Ron cried out, his face turning red with fury.

"Knew what?" Harry was puzzled. What was he talking about?

"He we go again," Hermione muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Malfoy is a Death Eater!"

"I am not a Death Eater!" Malfoy raised his arms in surrender, almost whacking Harry in the face in the process.

"I do not believe that Draco is a Death Eater."

Ron paused at the sound of Harry's voice. Draco smiled slightly.

"Thank you," Draco nodded to Harry.

"Then how did he get the information?" Ron barked, still staring down Draco.

"More important question," Hermione chimed. "Harry, why did you stop taking those occlumency classes?!"

"You're still on about that?!" Harry sighed, trying to extinguish his frustration. "Some Death Eater gave it to him. And no, Ron, it was not Draco," Harry responded to Ron pointing at Draco. "He had overheard you people talking about it."

"How? We were alone - other than the company of Fred and George, ofcourse," Hermione stated.

"He was an unregistered animagus or something. Hid in the bushes of the park while you three talked."

"He is entirely right."

Draco looked between the others, searching for whom the voice came from. But he knew that it belonged to none of them. He reached for the wand, Hermione and Harry following suit.

A small man stepped out from the bushes, his nose twitching slightly. His hunched back and ragged clothes made his appearance times uglier.

Everyone aimed their wand at the man.

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now