T W E N T Y - T W O

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The quad of Hogwarts students krept away from 4 Privet Drive as quietly as they could.

This wasn't exactly hard. The entire neighborhood was either asleep or out on last minute trips or something like that. For the others, this trip was going to be seemingly easy. Harry, however, was feeling extremely paranoid. He didn't even have a reason to feel this way. He was with his best friends and Draco. What could go wrong?

Hermione and Ron didn't notice his slight distress, saying as they walked in front of him and were, by the looks of it, flirting. But Draco did seem to notice this. He slipped his hand into Harry's, startling him slightly.

"You okay, Harry?" Draco leaned down slightly so he could whisper in Harry's ear.

Harry shook his head. "I have this horrible feeling that something will go wrong. That something awful is going to happen..."

"I'm sure it's nothing." Draco tried to give Harry a reassuring smile, but deep down, he felt the same.

"Hermione said she thought we were being watched. Do you think that's still the case?"

"Harry, you're worrying yourself. You don't need to overthink this. Besides, I'm right here. I'll be by your side the entire time."

Harry stopped so he could turn and face Draco. "Promise?"


Harry smiled slightly, looking again into Draco's eyes. They seemed to give him the reassurance he needed.

"Hey Golden Boy!" Harry snapped out of his mini-trance as Hermione called for his attention. "Why don't you come join us for a bit."

Harry turned bright red, quickly letting go of Draco's fingers and running towards him, leaving Draco alone. Harry ran off to be with Hermione and Ron, looking incredibly embarrassed and it was utterly adorable.

The trio walked in silence for a few moments. Both Hermione and Ron sending Harry sideways looks with smirks. Harry was starting to get annoyed by this.

"What?" Harry finally asked.

"Have something you want to tell us, Harry?" Ron questioned.

"What are you talking about?"

"I dunno," Hermione hummed. "It's just that you and Malfoy seemed to have gotten awfully close over the summer."

Harry could feel his face warm. They neared the edge of a forest.  "I don't know what you expect me to say-"

"Hermione, look! Harry looks flustered!"

Hermione laughed. "He does, doesn't he? Harry, we know you've had a thing for Malfoy since before school got out. So, if you have managed to, I don't know, snog him at one point-"

"It's not like that!" Harry stared at Hermione with bewilderment. "He's just my friend! Side note, did you and Ron happen to switch roles over the summer? That seems like something Ron - no -  Fred or George would say! When did you become a Weasley?!"

Ron let out a laugh. As the three of them continued talking, Draco secretly wondered what they could possibly be talking about that was making Harry so red in the face.


The four all stopped at the edge of a forest. None of them had any clue what the time was, or how many hours they had left until the blazing sun would rise.

"I hope you brought good shoes for walking, because once we enter this forest, it will be a four hour walk. If, of course, we are not somehow blown off course," Ron looked between his friend and Malfoy.

"I would also keep your wand in hand," Hermione added. "Merlin only knows what we might run into. We should get there before breakfast-"

"If we are not blown off course."

"Yes, Ron. If we are not blown off course."

Ron and Hermione turned to face the forest. Ron turned towards Hermione and gulped.

"Ladies first," He chuckled nervously.

"Ronald, I swear..."

Hermione continued to babble on about Ron as they entered the forest. Harry and Draco followed behind them, walking side by side. And once again, Draco slipped his hand into Harry's. This time, however, it didn't startle him (yet his paranoia was back).

"You know, this would have been much more enjoyable had it been under different circumstances," Draco whispered.

"Enjoyable?" Harry looked up at him, confused.

"That's what I said. Without an audience, just me and you." Draco gestured to Hermione and Weasley. He met Harry's eyes. "Look, Harry, I wish I had said this sooner but-"

Draco took another step, byt Harry didn't. He had stopped dead in his tracks. When Draco turned around, Harry's eyes were shut and his arms were perched tightly at his sides. Draco let go of his hand. 

"Harry? Are you alright?"

Ron and Hermione had turned around, and were now rushing towards them.

"Harry?" Hermione called out worriedly. "What happened?! Did you do something?!"

Draco was offended. "Why would I do anything to him?! We were just talking!"

"Malfoy, we are still bewildered that you want to help him."

They all turned their attention to Harry again. 

"Harry?" Draco moved in front of him, placing a hand on his cheek.

Harry's eyes shot open almost instantly, but Draco jumped backwards, his eyes wide. His eyes weren't the same.

They were completely white.

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now