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Journal entry #12

I've been at the Dursley's for about two weeks now.

Since my arrival, I've made some peculiar observations. At first glance, the family seems all peachy. A hard working father, the manager of a drill company. An adorable son who will be a social success in his muggle life. There is a mother, who listens and cares for her husband and son. But that isn't exactly how I've seen it.

Let's start with the uncle, I think his name is Vernon. I haven't had many run-ins with him, just the one that caused me to lose my bedroom. Vernon is normally gone by the time I wake up, which is normally around eight o'clock. One thing I have noticed is that he seems very demanding and a bit violent. This behavior is specifically targeted towards Potter, never his son or wife.

Then there is the aunt (Peony? Petunia?). I've had only a few issues with her. Everytime I enter a room that just so happens to have her in it, she always scowls, and looks away from me. I never start a conversation with her, she always seems to be muttering to herself. Dudley, her son, is always with her. Like her husband, she is often very demanding and very whiny. Again, her poor behavior is always targeted to Potter.

Next, there is Dudley, the cousin. He isn't too bad. Very whiny. Very demanding. But I haven't had too many problems with him. Whenever his mother or father throw around insults, he never joins in, he sits and does nothing more than anything else. He never stops them, occasionally laughing, but that's about it. I have come to notice that he never talks to Potter. It's almost as if he is afraid of him. I wonder if it has anything to do with the dementor attack from last summer.

Lastly, there's Potter. When I first came here, I expected Potter to be severely praised, and spoiled. But confusingly, it's quite the opposite of that. He is greatly ignored by his Aunt and Uncle when Dudley is in the room. I've also noticed he takes on a great deal of chores. Weeding, mopping, dishes, and cooking are just a few that I have seen him do. I don't know if he has volunteered to do them, or if he is forced to do them. What I do know is that his cousin doesn't seem to do any chores.

Now, I know I am not one to talk, but I find it odd. I don't even think I've seen the Aunt do any cleaning or cooking. Maybe Potter is just doing it out of boredom. There isn't very much to do here, anyway.

But there is something else that is... peculiar. Since I was kicked out of the guest bedroom and booted into Potter's room, he actually seems to have a great deal of hospitality. It's frightening, honestly. He doesn't sleep on his bed, I don't think he even touches it.

He isn't as much of a prat as I recall. He is somewhat gentle and kind. Maybe he saves that attitude for school, and school alone. Maybe he preserves his attitude so can keep up his reputation as a hero.

What's worse, he seems to enjoy being in my presence. I mean, honestly, why wouldn't he? I'm a damn king! But still, it's Potter. What has changed?

The family, in general, is quite odd. Uneven, if you will. This family is definitely not normal. I'll find answers before I leave this place, I swear that. I have so many unanswered questions that I shall keep to myself. I will have them answered by the end of the summer.

This may be the summer that changes everything.

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