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(A/N: Mentions of abuse)


Draco tackled Harry into a hug, knocking him back down on the bed. For a moment, Harry could feel the air escape his lungs and a searing pain shot up his spine, exploding in his chest and abdomen. As soon as he winced, Draco pushed himself away and back onto his feet.

Harry sat up again, leaning his back up against the wall. His stomach, wrists and head exploded with pain. His breath was choppy, coming out in short breaths. He clenched his eyes shut, waiting for the pain to subside. Long story short, it didn't.

Draco couldn't stop staring. Here he was, alive and well (for the most part). All that was on Draco's mind was how horrible he felt.

"Harry?" Draco looked down towards the ground. He knew Harry was looking at him. "I'm so sorry..."

Harry was confused at first, until the memory of last night (maybe. How long was he out?) hit him like a truck. The vision of glass, fire, a fist, a baseball bat. Harry swallowed, closing his eyes again.

"Why?" The only word he said. Draco looked up at him. He could feel his hands begin to shake. "Why would you send it?" Harry's voice was so quiet, Draco almost didn't notice it.

Draco hesitated before answering. "I didn't think it would actually get you into trouble..." Draco whimpered. "I thought you were just saying that to be a stubborn prick. I didn't know..." Harry stared at him for a moment.

"Of course you didn't know." He shifted his position, wincing, then deciding against it. "Why would you know?" Draco looked down.

"You don't understand how horrible I feel. I was stupid to not listen to you. If only I'd known that this is what it's like-"

"Well, I'm sure you don't." Harry chuckled painfully. "I mean, your family is perfect."

"That's what they want you to think." Draco looks back at him. Cautiously, Draco moved towards the bed. He sat on his knees beside it.

"What do you mean?"

Draco sighed. "It may look amazing. We've got money, a high status, a reputation... but what people don't see is how my father treats us." Draco shuddered. "He is a foul man. When I was little," Draco thought he had lost his mind for sharing this, "and whenever I did something wrong, he would lift my shirt and set fire to my back. He once told me that if I didn't behave, I would get shut in the furnace room and not get food for a week... I... I would never wish this kind of life on anyone." Even you, he added silently, you decently attractive idiot. The thought stunned him a little

Harry stared at him for a moment before he let out a weak laugh. Draco's eyes widened at him.

"What are you laughing at? Why is that funny?"

"He sounds like the Dursleys'." Harry continued to laugh. His laughter eventually died into a sigh. A moment of silence.

"Harry, may I ask something?"

"You just did," Harry chucked.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Can I?"

"Um, sure."

Draco took a deep breath. "What happened? What did they do to you?"

Harry looked away from Draco and over at the wall. When he didn't respond, Draco stood up and left the room. Harry was surprised, he thought the door was locked at first. When Draco came back, a small box was in his hand. It looked like a first-aid kit. Draco set the box down on Harry's nightstand, then turned to Harry.

"I need you to sit up with you back against that wall." Draco pointed to the wall next to Harry. Harry stared at him for a moment. "I can help you if you don't want to put weight on your wrists."

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