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As the summer days dragged on, Draco was continuously working. His brain was scattered with ideas on how to get Harry out of here for good. So that the boy could relax, he desperately needed it. Harry had been so on edge since the bed incident and he encouraged Draco to stay in the room for the remainder of the time they were there.

Draco listened, filling his journal of ideas and plans. But none of them seemed to fit just right. There was something missing. A precaution he knew he should be taking. He just didn't know what. Now, with less than a month until September first, the plan on getting Harry out of here had to be less time consuming.

But he already had a plan in motion.

After much bickering with him, Draco had finally been able to send a letter through Dobby to Ronald Weasley. With just a bit of calligraphy, he was able to mimic Harry's handwriting and send the letter to make it look like Harry was the one who sent the letter, asking him to meet him at a park not too far from 4 Privet Drive.

So that was where the boys were heading now. Vernon had sent them on an errand and Draco couldn't have been more grateful. The atmosphere in that house had changed immensely.

"So we need eggs, milk, spinach, and bread," Harry recited the list for the fifth time.

He had been so paranoid recently...

"Yes, Harry," Draco nodded. "But we are making a quick stop before we get to the market." Draco shoved his hands into the pockets of his nice muggle clothing. The two boys turned the corner. Just a little more and they would be at their destination.

"What?" Harry looked up at Draco, cocking his head to the side. "Where are we going?"

"Here." Draco stopped, turning into the park. Harry stayed put on the sidewalk as Draco made his way to the swings and sat down.

"What? Why? What's going on?

"Just come sit. S'pose you can call it a surprise."

Harry laughed, walking towards Draco and sitting next to him. "A surprise? The whole Malfoy-being-nice is a surprise every time!"

"Well, guess that's what happens when you become my friend."

Harry froze, staring at Draco as he felt the heat rise to his cheeks. "Friend? Do you really-"

"I don't understand why we have to do this!" Harry was cut off by an oddly familiar voice. He snapped his head upward, staring at the direction it came from. "This could be some stupid prank, ya know!"

"Ronald, why would Harry joke about needing to talk to us about something important? Especially now!"

Was that...?

"Yeah, Ronald!" Two voices mocked in unison.

Harry looked at Draco, then back towards the hedges. Before he knew it, three fiery red-haired boys and a frizzy haired girl stepped into view. Harry jumped to his feet, staring at them. Draco could feel himself smile as he watched Harry's face begin to crinkle into a smile.

"Hermione? Ron? Fred, George?!"

Hermione stopped glaring at Ron for a moment and broke into a smile. Ron, Harry, and Hermione all dashed towards each other, wrapping themselves in a hug. When they let go, Fred ruffled Harry's hair and George laughed after his twin said something.

Draco watched as Hermione's smile faded slightly as she examined Harry. She knew something was wrong, Draco knew that for a fact. But it wasn't until Ron's eyes flashed towards Draco that his presence was fully acknowledged.

"What," Ron started, balling his hands into fists. "Is he doing here?!"

Harry cringed as all four sets of eyes turned towards Draco. He could basically taste the change in attitude.

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now