T W E N T Y - S I X

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Lights were flashing everywhere. Everyone was dueling a death eater. The only person who wasn't trying to disarm someone was, ofcourse, Draco.

"You know what, Draco?" The man laughed. "You're even more like your father than I thought!"

Draco didn't respond.

He stops laughing. "You won't even defend the people you claim to care about. Look around you! Everyone is fighting, but you won't even kill me and get it over with!"

"Is that what you want yourself to believe?" Draco took a step forward. "Expulso!"

Draco takes a step back as a large explosion takes over the man, burning him alive. Draco looks around. Ron was dueling two at once. He ran to help, taking the largest of the two. Spells were flying back and forth.

"Malfoy, what are you doing?!" Ron hissed.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"You need to get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving! Not until I know you people will be safe!"

A man with scars galore moved next to them, dueling his own death eater. Professor Lupin.

"He has a point, Mr. Malfoy," He calls out, disarming and knocking out his opponent. He turned to Draco, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Go. And take Harry. We'll take it from here."


"But nothing. I've lost enough in the past few months. I cannot lose Harry as well," Lupin let out a sigh. "Please."

Draco looked towards Harry, then back at Lupin. He nodded, then raced through the crowd, careful to not get hit. He picked Harry up, towing him over his shoulder. Draco dashed through the forest, dodging trees. It wasn't until he realized he was being followed that he began to truly sprint. An Order member chased after the death eater.

There was a flash of red. It was blinding. 

Draco collapsed, the warmth of the curse spreading through his body. He'd been hit. The last thing he saw before his eyes closed was how peaceful Harry looked, even though he had blood dripping down his forehead. Draco could only muster one thing before everything went black:

"I'm sorry..."

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