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Harry said nothing to Draco as they ascended up the stairs. Harry looked down at the ground, his hands shoved into his pockets. It was hard for Draco to read him, almost seemingly impossible. Harry pushed the door to his bedroom open, kicking some of the objects on his floor out of the way.
“Is something the matter?” Draco asked, looking towards the boy as if he knew what was going on. Truth be told, however, he was very confused. Why did Vernon need Harry downstairs? Why did he look so tense?

Harry turned back around, walking towards his door and sighing.
“Don’t talk. Be quiet and stay put; don’t leave the room unless necessary.” Harry spoke in a tone filled with anger.

Draco looked back at him, impossibly surprised. He had been so kind this summer (although the two hadn’t really talked the month Draco had been here).
 “What’s your problem?” Draco questioned, knitting his brows together. 

"I don't have a problem." Harry turned around, his eyes burning with something worse than anger. "But a quick question. What part of 'leave my family alone' do you not understand?"

"What are you- oh…" Draco thought back to his first day at 4 Privet Drive. He thought back to the promise he had made. "Look, I'm sorry. But there isn't a need to get hostile-"

"No, Malfoy. I have every damn right to be angry. Because you don't know how to leave people alone, I have to be punished for your actions." Harry grabbed a chunk of his hair and laughed irritably, tears glistening in his eyes. "I had one job."

"What are you talking-"

"I just needed to keep you out of trouble. That's all I had to do! But you had to go and make it excuriantly difficult, just like everything else you do!"

"What do you mean you'll be punished?'' Draco pushed the question.

"I don't know if you have realised this, but this house isn't exactly perfect like you thought." Harry spoke exasperatedly. "I think you should just do what you're told for once in your damn life. It'll be better for both of us." With that, Harry left, slamming the door behind him.

It'll be better for both of us.

The familiar words rang in Draco's ears. What was going on? What was all of this about? He had to get to the bottom of this.

He could hear yelling downstairs. Draco marched towards the door, pulling on the door knob. 


Of course it was locked. How fast are these people? Draco's stomach gurgled. But not because he was hungry. His stomach gurgled with a threateningly dangerous feeling of guilt.

Draco turned around, resting his back on the door. He slid down on the wall until he was sitting on the floor, hugging his legs to his chest.

He buried his face in the cavity between his legs and his chest. Why did he care so much?

He cared because, whether he liked it or not, Draco Malfoy was in love with Harry Potter. He had been since fifth year. He loved the idea of drowning in those emerald lakes Harry had for eyes.

He loved that smirk Harry had whenever he was being an absolute arse to Draco.

He loved him.

But now, he had gone and screwed it all up. Whatever may happen, whatever Harry may say, whatever he may do, Draco was going to make it up to him.

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