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(A/N: There is a homophobic slur in this chapter. Just letting ya know.)

"You want me to what?!" Draco was fuming.

His fists were clenched at his sides, his body shaking with anger. With as much as he looked angry, Draco was terrified internally. He didn't know how to respond. Scratch that, he was too scared and angry to respond.

"You heard me," Dudley shrugged, a smirk plastered on his fat face. "I'm not going to repeat myself."

"I'm not doing this. Not in a million year would I do something like that-"

"Oh, but you will." Dudley's smirk grew larger. 

Draco looked at the door. He wanted more than anything to just walk out of the room and get out of this situation. What had he just gotten himself into? He should have never agreed to meet with Dudley.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you will agree, and you will say nothing about it." Dudley's face turned terrifyingly serious.

"I will most definitely will not!" Draco wants to shout, but was terrified of waking up Vernon and Petunia. 

"No, you will. I know more than you think."

Draco froze, his heart stopping. What did he know? Draco felt like he didn't want to know. No, he knew that he didn't want to know.

"I know that it wasn't Harry who sent that letter," Dudley said, shrugging. Draco looked at him, his heart now pounding wildly in his chest. 

"How?" Draco challenged. Something inside him didn't believe him. Something else said that he was telling the truth.

"Well, Harry sends letters to his freakish friends via owl," Dudley explained.

"Tell me something I don't know! Every witch or wizard sends letters and such through our owls," Draco told him bitterly.

"If you wouldn't interrupt-"

"I'll do what I please! Now, get to the point."

"We keep his owl locked up, and caged away over the summer. Usually in the garage. The damn bird only comes out when he leaves for school." Dudley spoke in a low growl. "Surprised that school still allows that fag to be educated there. "

Draco's eyes widened. He took a step backward slightly. This family was messed up in so many ways. 

"Watch your mouth-"

"Are you defending him?!" Dudley nearly yelled. "You must be just like him! A disgrace to humanity!" 

Merlin, what he would give to provide Dudders the same fate Harry had gotten. He could just imagine it - the coward, curled up in a ball and calling to his mommy and daddy as Draco relishes in his cries.

Cutting off these thoughts, Draco snaps, "Continue, will you!"

"Anyway, there is no way Harry would have sent any request for a bed. His owl is locked up, and, according to him, his godfather is dead."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, when the bed was delivered, a greasy haired man said that he brought it per the request of his godson," Dudley eyed him.


"You must be stupid?! It is obvious that he did not send that letter, and you did."

Draco looked around. "Is this information supposed to change my mind?"

"Yes, it is. And it will."


"Because I can, and will, use it against you. With this information, my Mum and Dad can kick both you and Harry out. But if Harry is spared being put on the streets, I can tell him my offer. He will have no choice but to agree, of course."

Draco thought about this. He wouldn't do that to Harry, he's already damaged him enough. Draco sighed, fear spiking through him.

"Fine," Draco stuttered. "I'll do it..."

"Perfect!" Dudley clapped his hands together. He walked towards Draco and put his hand on his shoulder. "Tomorrow, same time?" He said, the smirk back again.

Draco nodded. He could feel his body shake and flinch as Dudley patted his hands on his shoulders. Draco somewhat aggressively shoves Dudley away and storms out of the room.

The second he made it into Harry's room, he lost it. Tears began to pour down his cheeks. He sniffled, curling himself up in a ball in the corner of the room.

Before he even realized it, he found himself staring at Harry. Harry, and his stupid mop of hair and his stupid problems and his stupid family. Of all people, why'd it have to be him? Why'd Harry have to be the one to carve this hole in his chest and fill it whatever this feeling was? Grief? Worry? No, it was something much, much stronger.

Something he'd never felt before. Whatever it was, it made him hate this... longing (if that's even the right word) for the Boy Who Lived.

He was so caught up he almost didn't notice Harry's finger twitch. He almost didn't notice Harry scrunch up his face slightly and wince.

He stood, wiping his face free of tears and sniffling once more. Harry's eyes opened slightly, the lights blinding for a moment. Draco walked up to him, looking at him, hoping that it wasn't just a false alarm.

Just when Draco was about to lose hope...

Harry sat up, cringing in pain as he came too.

(A/N: Imaginations go skrrt 🏃🏼‍♀️💨)

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