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"Remember, Draco," Narcissa spoke through tears, wrapping her son in a warm embrace, "Try not to get too hot headed with Potter. I understand you don't get along, but you are his guest. Please respect his house, and his family." Narcissa continued to sobb to her son, still hugging him tightly.

"Oi! Mum! You're crushing my ribs." Draco called out, trying to wriggle free of his mother's grasp.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Narcissa cooed, finally letting go of Draco. He breathed out, but smiled sweetly at his mother. She wiped the tears off his cheeks and kissed her son on his cheek.

"I love you, Draco." She sniffled. Draco smiled, wrapping her in a quick and gentle hug and looked her in her eyes.

"I love you too, Mother." Draco whispered in response.

"Ahem." Dumbledore cleared his throat, catching both Narcissa's and Draco's attention. "We really should be going. We promised the family we would be there by tea time." Dumbledore hummed, giving them a small nod.

Draco looked at his mother one last time before picking up his things and heaving one of his bags over his shoulder.

"Goodbye, Draco! Write to me when you get settled in!" Narcissa called out, choking back tears.

"I will, Mother!" Draco said, hearing the disappointment in his mothers voice. Sadly, he walked by Dumbledore's and Snape's side. Dumbledore held out an arm, and Draco placed his hand on it. With a loud pop, the three wizards disapperated out of the Malfoy Manor courtyard.


"Harry, have you completed your chores?" Petunia said with a small bark.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia." Harry responded respectfully.

"Why don't you put on something nicer?" Vernon sneered, pointing at himself, his wife, and his son, who were all dressed fancily.

Harry looked down at his oversized t-shirt, which hung low on his neck and was a plain grey, a pair of blue jeans, and his favorite pair of red converse.

"I don't really have anything nice." Harry said carefully, looking back up at his uncle.

"Right. Well," Vernon was interrupted by the door bell sounding in a beautiful chime.

"They are here! Get ready to meet our guest." Vernon said cheerfully, before pulling Harry aside.

"You are to keep this boy quiet and out of our way, do you understand?" Vernon barked in a whisper. Harry nodded respectfully, and walked out of the living room and towards the door.

He took a deep breath, looked back down at himself, and opened the door. He couldn't help but wonder who was staying over for the remainder of the summer. A list of people raced through his mind, but he crossed each off, one by one. Ron would have written to him if he was staying the summer. Seamus was with dean. Neville's grandmother is probably the most strict woman you'll ever know. No one seemed to fit.

"Hello, Dumbledore." Harry said with a smile. His smile faded slightly when he saw Severus behind Dumbledore.

"Hello, Harry. How are you? I hope you have been anticipating our arrival." Dumbledore smiled, and looked over at Harry. "May we come in?"

Harry nodded, and ran out of the hall and into the living room.

"Remember..." Vernon growled as he saw Harry enter the room. Once again, Harry nodded, showing he understood.

Vernon let out a loud huff when Dumbledore and Severus entered the room. To Harry's amazement, no one followed. Was this all a joke? But little did he know, Draco stood just outside the living room, in the hall. He examined the pictures of an extremely round boy. He laughed at the look of this boy. Slicked to the side hair, and a terribly ugly sweater.

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now