" Oh " I speak, the door opens roughly and quickly. Ella and I both look up to see Gino, he rolls his eyes when seeing me. " I was looking for Ella " he says, sighing. " We'll I'm here. What do you want? " She questions, angrily. He then laughs, when seeing how she answered.

Might I add, my family is.. well is very competitive. We are amazing arguers, which comes in handy with kids at school. " Father told me to tell you, he loves you he's going out again " he says, his mood changing when he mentioned our father. We all knew what he meant about going out, which was unfortunate.

" Okay " she says, he then nods. He was about to leave, just before closing the door Ella stops him. " Gino! " she hollers, he then stops opening the door wide again. " What " he answers, rolling his eyes. I roll mine, wiping my leftover tears.

" You need to apologize, to your brother " she speaks, sounding like my mother. He then chuckles " why, he doesn't like that someone told him the truth? " He questions, his tone was always like this.. Cocky, annoying and rude. " The truth? " I ask, standing up confidently. Ella then moves out of the way also standing up, and sits on my bed.

" Uh oh " Ella says, turning my attention back over to Gino he takes a few steps closer to me. As do I, never will I ever backdown from a fight. My father and mother taught me that. Even though, my father may be an ass sometimes, he still taught me how to defend myself. " Yeah the truth " Gino spats, I then laugh.

Here comes the wave of anger, and confidence I admire. " Really because, someone told me you got upset because Elizabeth liked me and not you " I say, chuckling. Gino looks at Ella, Ella looks the other way clearing her throat. " Your an asshole! " He says, my mother then comes into the view. " Hey, language! What's happening? " My mother asks, stepping inside my room.

" I'm no snitch " I say, shrugging. " Yeah but you are a cry baby " Gino says, that's when I loose it. I clench my hands, forming them into fists. I then punch my brother in the face. My brother automatically forms a fist, as well then attempts to punch me. I duck, my mother holds him back.

" Pussy " I say, laughing. He then chuckles, touching his nose. It was now bleeding. Father would've been proud, and found this amusing. " Enough you two! " My mother yells, I then roll my eyes.

My mother made us apologize to each other. My sister found this all amusing. I also found it funny. About an hour later, of being by myself in my room reading. The door bust open, it was my brother. He then stands there, staring as I looked up.

" Can I help you? " I question, he then sighs rolling his eyes looking away from me. " I'm sorry " he mumbles quietly, I then pretend I didn't hear. " What was that? " I ask, he then sighs. " I'm sorry " he repeats, I then feel a smile form. " It's okay Gino, I'll reject Elizabeth " I say, he then smiles nodding closing the door as he walks out.

" About time " I hear my sister say, from the window. She was holding onto it for dear life. I quickly get up, I then she was holding on. She must've climbed up here. She always climbed, everything. She was so weird.

I chuckle at my thoughts. " I had so much crazy memories with your ass " I say, chucking. " I love you so much kiddo " I say getting up, putting the chair back in its place. " I'll love you forever and always " I say, stepping closing to the bed. Finally towering over her, I bend down to kiss her cold lifeless forehead.

With that, I wipe away a tear that had fallen. Davina interlocks her fingers with mine, as we leave the room. The doctor approaches us, finally reaching us. He tells us everything, he needs to do with Ella. Davina did most of the talking, he had already checked with Alejandro. I guess Alejandro said, he was fine with everything we agreed on.

So which was everything Davina agreed on. She made the decisions, I gave her the permission. After doing so, they apologized for our losses once more but saying we were able to leave now. We did so, Davina drove. Finally reaching the house, after about five minutes I got out of the car as Davina turned off the car.

I opened the door for, letting her out she thanked me. I didn't wanna let her go. Ella's word she had said to me, didn't leave my mind.

" Show her that you truly love her " Ella says.

She wanted Ella and I to get married. Hell she wanted to be their. She said the first time, Davina and I met and I complained about her. She knew it was love at first sight. I smile, thinking about all the times the memories I had with her.

We then stop in front of our house. The guards minding their own business doing their job. I face towards her, she faces towards with me confusing and pain laced in her eyes. " What's wrong? " She asks, concerned. " Please don't be in love with someone else " I say, tears threatening to spill for the millionth time.

She the smiles, weakly. " Not in a million years, my love " she says, I then smile. " You know, Ella once told me " I say, she then hums for me to continue. " Fight for what you want, fight for what you believe in " I say, she then smiles. That beautiful smile, that tells me everything's gonna be okay.

" I believe in us " I say, more tears leave her beautiful hazel brown eyes. " I want you sweetheart " I say, she then nods. We knew what that meant. We both did. Finally, I had gotten the girl I wanted back.

The one I needed most, during this dark and devastating time. My soulmate, my lover and hopefully my soon to be wife. " The weddings back on " she whispers, only for me to here. " I don't think I told you enough, when we were together so I'm going to tell you now " I say, she then nods signaling for me to continue. " Only you my girl " I say, smiling " only you babe " she says.

With that, I pick her up lifting her off the floor smashing my lips into her hers. Tasting her, sweet lips. Never will I ever get tired of these lips. This kiss, was filled with.. Lust, love, sadness, anger everything you could possible think of. It was absolutely beautiful. I knew Ella was smiling down on us.

A | N : hope you enjoyed this chapter this book MAY go on a bit past 100 chapters I don't know if I'll be able to fit everything due to what I have planned so to those who wanted it to last a bit longer here you are. You welcome my loves! Correct my misspellings / grammar mistakes etc , you know the deal. Stay safe and healthy, until next update!

- Xoxo Mariposa <3

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