Chapter 48

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After finishing some more paperwork, figuring out where too take Davina for dinner tomorrow night helping them with a surprise party. It was around 7, I go downstairs too see Ella, Carla, and Davina talking. My parents, and Davina's parents went somewhere. My dad does what my mother does, since he has nothing better too do.

I don't bother saying hi, I was too pissed off about the Mexican problem. That's when I see Hayden and Jaden coming from the kitchen " boss, we need too handle the Mexican problem " Jaden says " I know " I say, as I grab my keys " what are you doing? " Hayden asks " I'm going somewhere " I say, as I see Davina look at me. " I'm coming " Davina says, I nod. I was hoping she'd say that " just bring the guy who broke in, into the basement " I say, as I watch Davina grab her shoes, she was wearing biker shorts, kind of like black leggings, that type of material, and red crop top that was basically a bra.

Her and these outfits " okay boss " Hayden says, I nod. Davina comes and stands beside me. " Hi Davina " Hayden says, I roll my eyes " bye boys " Davina says. I smile, Ella and Carla went in the kitchen too help Susie prepare dinner. We all have this group chat Susie is in it, she said that'd she'd be making dinner later for Davina's birthday. That'd be her celebration with her. We all agreed, Davina was fine with it. Interrupting my thoughts, Davina opened the door. I followed behind " you already know what I'm gonna say, call me if anything happens " I say, the guards nod. Davina didn't bother waiting for me, since she knew I wouldn't be too far behind.

I unlocked the car, so she could get since she was already at the car. She got in the car, I walked too the drivers seat and got in, and started the car " where are we going? " Davina questions, I look at her. " Somewhere, I don't usually take people " I say, as I begin too drive out of the driveway. She resumed quiet, and the rest of the ride, she had turned on the radio not too long ago, she sometimes hummed too the music. The silence, wasn't awkward like I always say. It was peaceful, we finally reached the spot I wanted too take her too.

It was this park, it had fake green grass. Because the owners too were too lazy too actually take care of it. It had a small, playground. My mother used too take me here, but after when I was around 4 I started training for the mafia. I always liked this park, sometimes before Davina got here, I'd come here, just looking at the stars, feeling the cold air hit my face, cold weather always made me feel at ease along with rain. I didn't like summer, it hardly rained.

" Why are we at a park? " She says, as she interrupts my thoughts, I take out the key and unbuckle my seatbelt " because we are, now let's go " I say, as I get out of the car. I go too Davina's side of the car too open her door, she was unbuckling her seatbelt, I opened the door for her. She stepped out, I take her hand, she interlocks her fingers with mine, and we go too sit on the fake grass right under the stars, it was a bit chilly tonight. " I'm gonna go get the blanket I have in the car okay sweetheart? " I ask, she nods. I nod back, and walk too the car, and go too my trunk and grab the blanket.

As I walk back from the car, I see Davina holding a rose flower in her hand as she's bending down too look at the other ones. I smile, after I finally get closer she turns around and looks at me, I lay out the blanket then sit on the blanket then pat the other side of me. She understands, and sits down next to me.

" I'm gonna ask again, why are we at a park? I never thought this kind of shit, was your style " Davina says, causing me too chuckle at her comment. " We're here because this is where my mother used too take me, when I was little before I started training and shit. " I say, Davina lays down on the blanket looking up at the stars, I do the same. " Oh, my ' mother ' didn't take me anywhere. She never really did anything nice for me, or take me anywhere. She only put on an act for my father " she says, as her voice saddens. I grab her hand, and again interlock it with mine.

" I'm sorry about your family. Wanna know a secret? " I ask, Davina nods. " My father got very upset with me, when I showed emotions he thought I was weak when showing emotions. I never once seen the man cry, he was really tough on me, when I was little. Never his daughter though, she was his princess " I say with a hint of annoyance, Davina tightens her grip on my hand. " I'm sorry he did that, people expect men too have 0 emotions. People think men crying makes them less of a man, I think the complete opposite. Men sharing there feelings, and crying is heartbreaking yes. But it shows they've been through so much, but there still going " Davina says, as she turns her head my way. I do the same, we're now face too face.

Our face centimeters away " I want you too know, If you ever need too talk or something, and your not feeling the happiest, or your down. I'm here, I want you too know that. I may not be the best with emotions but I'm a good listener " Davina says, as she giggles. I instantly feel the urge too kiss her, so I do exactly that. I pull her face closet too mine and passionately kiss her, what she said was everything I've been wanting too hear my entire life. I knew I took Davina by surprise because, at first she was hesitant then seconds later melted into the kiss, I licked her bottom lip for her entry. She slightly opened her mouth, letting me slide my tongue in. We both fought for dominance like always, and as always I won.

After making out for a bit, we stopped too catch our breath. I leaned my forehead against hers, she did the same. I smiled, and she giggled. We both turned our heads away from each other too look at the stars, there was this one star that stood out " hey do you see that bright star? " I say, pointing too the star I was talking about. Davina nods " that's you " I say, she playfully hits my chest " why is that me? " She says " because, that reminds me of the night we met. You stood out, you weren't like those other whores in there, you seemed like you had self respect, it was cute " I say, I look over too see Davina blushing " is Davina blushing? " I question, she instantly covers her face probably in embarrassment " no I'm not " Davina says " sure. But the reason I say that's you, is because you aren't like the other ones. You stand out " I say, as I find myself smiling. " That's cute. Your like, my devil " Davina says, as she smiles " and your like my angel with horns " I say, she giggles.

" Is that so Mr. Valentino? " Davina says, as she turns around too face me once again. " It is so Ms. Quinzel " I say, as I smile and turn around too face her, I lean my forehead against hers, once again. She does the same " I hate you " she says, I smile " I hate you too " I say. I don't think that's true anymore.

A | N : hey besties, I hope your enjoying the book so far. If you're reading my book, thank you so much for giving my book a chance. If you have any tips / advice on how too make my book better, and more interesting please let me know! I love you all so much.

- Mariposa <3

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