Chapter 78

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This felt like a nightmare. It had to be one, but for fucks sake. I wasn't waking up. We had found out, Davina has passed out on the way to the hospital. Blaise was in a coma. He was still breathing, but just asleep I would say. Gino had Susie watch Mara. She had watched every unfold. She was a strong girl, just like her uncle and father or from what I've seen. Gino was trying to put on a strong act, Ella was a mess right now her mother was comforting her. Blake was on a walk, he was to angry or I don't know how he was feeling to be around someone right now. Mr. Valentino doesn't handle his feeling correctly. Anyone who knows him, knows that.

I was currently, pacing around the waiting room like an idiot. They were currently doing some test's on Davina and monitoring Blaise. They don't know when he'll wake up. Hopefully, they update us soon. Michelle was also a mess. She was worried for Blaise and Davina. Mostly Blaise. She says her daughters strong and has a gut feeling for her that it's nothing to serious. After waiting about an hour but what felt like years the doctor finally came into my sight. I stopped pacing. The doctor finally reached where we were. " Updates for Davina Valentino and Blaise Valentino? " the doctor questions, I sarcastically chuckle. " They would've sliced your neck, for saying that " I say, under my breath. " Excuse me? " the doctor questions.

" He's kidding. What's the updates? " Ella questions, as she sniffles and tries to fix herself. " Blaise, he's still breathing, no change really. Although, we do not know when he'll wake up. It could be days, weeks, months maybe unfortunately years. We're not sure " the doctor says, my heart sinks. If Davina wakes up anytime soon, she's gonna freak the fuck out. My heart aches for her. " And the updates on Davina? " Ella says, as her voice begins to break again. Come on baby, hold it together your strong. " She's well.. " the doctor says, as he pauses was he trying to prepare himself for the next words or? " Just say it already for fucks sake. " Xander says, I nod agreeing with him. The waiting is to much. " She's pregnant " the doctor says. My eyes widen. " 3 weeks " he says, Davina and Blaise hate children. Oh my god.

" Thank you doctor " Gino says, excusing the doctor. He nods " hey, they'll be okay " the doctor says, trying to sound reassuring. " When she wakes up, I'll make sure to come back out and let you visit. You could be the one to tell her " the doctor says, I nod. The doctor leaves, everyone looks at each other. " Pregnant? " Michelle questions, Ella laughs but you could hear the pain in her laughter. " She hates children " Ella says, Gino also laughs. In both laughters, nothing but pain. " He hates children " he says, I let out a sigh I didn't know I had inside of me. " How about the parents go home " I say, they need rest for tomorrow " what? No I'm staying. " Michelle says, trying to sound confident " me too " Alexandra says agreeing with Michelle. " Honey, their right we need to go home, and get some rest. Todays been a long day " Xander says, I nod agreeing with him. " Yeah what he said love, you need rest I could see the exhaustion in your eyes " Blake says agreeing with Xander.

" I need too be here when my baby wakes up, I refuse to leave " Michelle says, I shake my head in disapproval. " Mrs. Quinzel, you need to get some rest your daughter wants to wake up to a rested mother, not someone who's gone through shit " I say, in soft tone trying too be genuine with Davina's mother. " Michelle, I don't wanna leave either but we need to home. I need to watch my granddaughter Susie can't stay forever. We've gone through shit today, we can come back first thing in the morning " Alexandra says, giving in. She looks so tired, so much pain and fear in her eyes. " Fine, we're coming back first thing in the morning. Understand Xander? " Michelle says, sternly and much more confidently this time. Xander nods " yes love, whatever you say " Xander says, reminds me of Davina and Blaise.

" Let's go home " Blake says, to all 3 of them. They all nod their heads. Alexandra kisses Ella and Gino's forehead saying there goodnights, telling them to call if anything happens or if they need them. Blake kisses Ella's forehead, hugs Gino goodbye. They both tell me goodbye, and that Davina and Blaise will be okay. I think their saying that, because they wanna believe that. We all do. Michelle and Xander say goodbye to all of us, saying there goodnights. They all four leave the exit, going home. Gino, Ella and I all sit down. We all could see each other's facial expressions, it was silent amongst us all. Only thing that was heard was chatter, from workers and others and beeping sounds from each rooms. " She's fucking pregnant " I say, not believing it.

Just before Ella or Gino could say anything, the doctor comes back out. We all three stand up, as he comes more near us. " She's up now, she's ready for visitors " the doctor says, Ella smiles and nods. " Room? " Gino questions, as she seems genuinely concerned for Davina's safety and well being. " 304 " the doctor says, we all nod. " I'll take you guys if you'd like " he says, Ella nods. We didn't have to the courage to speak right now. I wasn't feeling, to motivated to speak. Hopefully, Davina helps with that and makes some dumb ass joke and cheers me up, hopefully everyone up. Lighten up the mood or something. The doctor guides us through a hallway, with nurses and doctors walking beside us, doors too other rooms with patients laying down. Either sleeping, watching TV, talking with family or just laying there watching the visitors, nurses or doctors pass by because they have nothing better to do.

We finally reach the room 304. I don't know why, I was nervous also scared. Does she know about Blaise? How is she gonna react when she finds out she has a baby in her stomach? Has she drank in the last 3 weeks. Oh god. Thoughts run through my mind, eventually getting pushed out of my mind as soon as the door opened. I then see Davina laying down, eagerly as if she's been waiting for this door to open for ages a bunch of cords connected to her. Heart beating steadily. " Oh thank god " Ella says, as she gently pushes me out of the way quickly rushing to Davina. Davina instantly opens her arms, to hug her. Ella does the same, they hug each other. Davina kissing Ella's head it seems as if that's all Ella needed for her to know it was gonna be okay. I smiled, at the sight. I close the door, after seeing everyone has walked into the room, the doctor had already left. Ella and Davina let go of each other.

Ella then moves away from, her right then moves to her left sitting in one out of 3 chairs that were there. Gino then, makes his way to Davina slightly hugging her. Davina hugs tighter, also giving Gino a ' it's gonna be okay ' kind of grip. Gino nods, understanding what she meant. They then let go of each other and Gino goes to where Ella is sitting and takes a seat beside her. I fake smile at Davina she must've noticed because she opened her arms, signaling for me to go give her a hug. I then make my way towards her and also open my arms finally reaching her. She was in a hospital gown, her hair still smelling as her signature smell. Roses, I smile. May be weird, but for me it was one of my comfort smells. I smile into my hug with her, she grips me tight making me not want to let go. I remain my hug with her for a few moments. We then let go, she then smiles. It was a fake smile, but she was trying.

" How's Blaise? " She questions, I then look down not knowing how to say it. " Just say it Alejandro " she says, using her Spanish accent when saying my name. " He's in comma, not sure when he'll wake. " Gino says, finally growing the balls to say what I couldn't. Davina then goes to this facial expression I've never witnessed. Something I never thought she had in stock. It was the same coldhearted look, or expression that Blaise had when he killed his first person when he was only 11 years old. " Debería haber sido yo " she says, underneath her breath. " Don't say that Davina " Gino says, how did he understand what langue she was speaking? " It's true " Davina says, weakly. Her voice was breaking, didn't even sound like her.

The moment Gino told her, the quicker I saw the somewhat love and happiness she had in her eyes leave. " Anything else? Did they tell you guys why I fainted, they didn't tell me anything. Fucking pricks " Davina says coldly, I then freeze up. " I should've told them I've been throwing up to, I haven't been feeling good for like 2 weeks now. I should've told Blaise " Davina says, her voice laced with pain. I then widen my eyes slightly. " Your pregnant, three weeks " I say, I then slap my mouth not realizing the boldness and confidence I had. Davina then looks me dead in the eye, trying too look for any lies. She didn't find any, those hazel brown eyes didn't find any. Well fuck, good luck to the other side of the hospital.

A / N : hey guys. This chapter was making me sad bro. Anyways, I'm sorry for the misspellings and the grammar mistakes. Please feel free to correct them, if needed. Thank you to almost 20k reads absolutely insane. Thank you for the unimaginable support I've been receiving from you guys. I love you all so much. Happy early Halloween. Also, if you have any song recommendations for Davina and Blaise's playlist let me know. Also, I have logged out of Blaise, Davina's and Ella's accounts on Instagram. I'll soon log back in don't worry. Stay safe and healthy. Until next update loves. <3

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