Chapter 7

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" Care too explain Davina? " Blaise questions me " I didn't even know it was there. It's probably for Ella. " I say " It's not for me, because they didn't really get too see me you ordered the food, and got the food. " she says " I'm sorry, why do you care so much Blaise? " I question him " we aren't together, I don't even fucking like you " I say as I chuckle I can see that it pissed Blaise off that I laughed, and said that but I'm not sure why but what I said was true.

" Whatever Davina. You fucked up my appetite. " he says as he walks away from where he was standing. I roll my eyes and I see Ella just staring at me " what is it " I say breaking the silence between us. " Nothing, I'm just wondering why and the hell will he not let you get someone else's number? " she says " I know, I don't know either probably because he doesn't want me falling in love, with someone because I'll only be here temporarily. " I say as I shrug " yeah maybe " she says " well I'm gonna go get into some comfy clothes, these shorts are a no no " I say and she laughs and nods. I begin too walk up stairs and go too my room and decide too get into some comfortable, clothes and take a nap. I was tired.

A couple hours later I wake up. I check the clock that I have in my room and see that it was 8:30 pm " god damn I didn't know I slept for like 3 hours " I chuckle and notice it's cold I don't see in any sweaters in my closet " who goes shopping and doesn't get sweaters? " I mumble too myself I guess I'll just go ask Ella. I walk out of the room and hear the girl I needed too talk to downstairs. I walk downstairs and see that she just finished a phone call. " Finally you're up " she says I laugh " yeah sorry I didn't realize I was that tired. " I say as I sit next too her on the couch. " El do you have a sweater I can borrow? " I say and she smirks " what's the smirk for? " I question " nothing. Here take the one I'm wearing " she says as she takes the sweater she was wearing off it looks like a guys sweater " this looks like a guy sweater " I say. She smiles " no are you crazy? Blaise would kill me if I had a boyfriend. He doesn't like me having a boyfriend. " she says as she hands me the sweater, maybe it's just the sweater she decided too buy.

It had a small snake on the side area. " I like it, I like the snake " I say as I find myself smiling. I felt warmer, and more comfortable. " I'm glad you like it " she smirks, and changes the smirk into a smile. " You hungry? " I say as I find myself being hungry hoping she's hungry too " starving. " She says " good I am too. " I say agreeing " I'm gonna ask Blaise if he wants anything " she says I nod as she walks upstairs. Moments later both Blaise and Ella are coming downstairs " let's go " Blaise says not making eye contact with me. I look at Ella with a confused look on my face " he's taking us " she whispers as we stand next too each other walking out the door.

I nod, and follow Blaise too what seems to be his car we all get in I decide too sit in the back too avoid talking, or being next too Blaise. Might I say Italy is beautiful, just wish I was here under different circumstances. I find myself missing my parents, missing everything back home. If this asshole isn't gonna let me go home, then he needs too atleast give me my phone back I'm bored as hell. " Blaise, I want my phone back " I say breaking the silence in the car I see Blaise look at me through the mirror " I said I'll give it too you when I decide too and lately you've been giving me an attitude so no you aren't getting that shit back " he says sternly and I see Ella look at him, and give him some kind of look. Brother and sister tuition I guess? " You aren't making it any easier for her Blaise. You constantly say something too her, about something she did or said too you not everything is about you dumb ass. Enough of the bullshit Blaise, give Davina her phone back. " Ella says sternly, god I love this girl.

She turns around and looks at me and smiles. I mouth ' thank you ' and she nods her head and turns back around facing where she was originally looking. Blaise pulls over on the side of the road and stops the car and looks at me and Ella back and fourth and stops too stare at me, I feel nervous under his gaze. That's new. " Can I help you? " I say speaking up he grabs something out of his pocket, and it's a phone. Thank god. " Here, I took out your SIM card so you can't call anyone, you can go on social media I don't care. " he says as he hands me my phone, and turns back around and starts the car I put my phone in the sweater I was wearing. " Your wearing my sweater " Blaise says as he looks at me through the mirror I look at it then at Ella and she shrugs and smiles. " Ella " I say sternly " yes? " she says innocently " I'm gonna kill you when we get back too the house. " I say smiling.

Blaise looks at Ella confused and looks back at the road " why does she wanna kill you Ella? " he says " what did you do? " he continues. " Well, Davina asked for a sweater and I had yours on because I stole it from you earlier because I was cold as shit " she says and smiles innocently once again " And, well yeah I gave her yours. " she says " you fucker " I say loud enough for her too hear it " I love you too " she smiles, I take off the sweater I was wearing " I don't have a disease Davina " Blaise says as he drives into the McDonald's parking lot.

" With all the woman you've slept with you probably do " I say as I shrug and Ella laughs but stops when Blaise stares at her giving her a ' shut the fuck up ' look. " Fuck off, you've probably slept with more men than I have with woman " he says smiling, Ella once again laughs but feels me staring at her. " Says the one that fucks them and leaves. " I say arguing back " none of them satisfy me " he says as he finally finds a parking spot.

He parks, and gets out without another word. " Well, that was interesting, seeing you two argue is like seeing a cat and a dog " Ella says " I could say the same for you two " I say innocently smiling, and gets out of the car. " Oh fuck off " she says, as she follows behind me and Blaise is already inside probably waiting for us. We walk faster, and finally get inside and I decide too walk up too the counter and order " Hi what can I get you? " the employee says, and I was about too speak I hear Blaise say " Yeah can I get 3 quarter pounder meals, with 3 medium fries and 3 smoothies " he says. This ass didn't even ask me what I wanted " okay will that be all for you? " the employee asks. Blaise nods his head, and goes too a free table about 5-10 minutes pass and the food finally gets here it's the same employee.

" Here you go " she says as she places the tray on our table " Here's your food, for you and your girlfriend and her " she says as she looks at each and everyone of us. I know she isn't considering Ella Blaise's girlfriend because they look alike. " I'm not his girlfriend " I say as I grab my food " Oh nice too know " she says as she looks at Blaise. I felt a wave of jealousy come over, I don't know why. The employee walks away and I begin too eat my food " she was flirting or trying too flirt with you b " Ella says, I don't put myself in this conversation because I don't wanna be in it. " Yeah I know but she isn't even good looking " Blaise says as he grabs his fries and begins too eat " whatever " Ella says.

We all finish eating when the employee comes back. " For fucks sake " I mumble I see that she's coming back with her hair down, and her t-shirt pulled down too where you can see her cleavage. " How was your food sir? " she questions Blaise I've had enough of this bitch. " The food was fine, if you cooked the fries you need too cook better. And pull up your shirt you have nothing too show, your lucky I don't fuck your boss and tell him too fire you bitch. " I say and smile innocently and grabs Blaises car keys, out of his pocket and walk out I don't care if there behind me or not I don't care I was pissed off.

I got into the drivers seat, and see Ella and Blaise coming I unlock the car and Blaise taps on the window and I could hear his muffle talking but still was able too hear him " Get out I'm driving " I shake my head no, and he rolls his eyes and comes too the other side of the car and opens the passenger side, and Ella sits in the back. " What was that about? " Blaise questions " she got on my fucking nerves, she's trying too god damn hard " I say chuckling and starting the car.

I knew how too drive this kind of car. I drove out of the parking lot and Ella told me where too go " was someone jealous sweetheart? " Blaise questions, and Ella looks up from her phone too pay attention to our conversation. " Never that " I smile, going inside of the parking lot of the estate. And park the car and don't utter a word, and walk out and wait for them to come too the door. " Hurry up " I say annoyed and loud enough for them too hear. They both walk, and I notice they're facial expression changed from earlier when I last them. They walk closer too me " what's wrong? " I ask them both and they look at eachother and then look back at me " your father called. " they both say at the same time.

A / N : hey besties, I hope your enjoying the story. No one is right now, because it's not even published yet but you'll be reading this when it is so, I hope your enjoying it. If you have any advice / tips on how I can make this book better, and more enjoyable. Please let me know, by commenting or dming me! <3
I love you guys so much! Bye :)

~ Mariposa

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