Chapter 79

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I was pregnant, and my boyfriend was in a coma. I must be in some fucking dream that I'm not waking up from. Only it wasn't a dream, it was a fucking nightmare. That's when the door opens, everyone turns their attention to the door. It was the doctor. " Hey, guys. I'm guessing you told her about both news? " he asks, Alejandro nods. " We'll Mrs. Valentino- " the doctor begins, I cut him off " give me my belongings " I say, sternly. I have no time for ' it's gonna be okay ' bullshit. It will be when I see Blaise.

" Excuse me? " The doctor says, chuckling nervously. I roll my eyes " did I stutter? " I question, the doctor repeatedly shakes his head no, I then smile. " Now do as said " I say, he nods. He then gives me my clothes, they had a bunch of blood on it. Blaise's blood to be specific. " All of you get out " I say, the doctor doesn't hesitate and leaves. " What are you doing, Davina? " Gino questions " going to see Blaise now get out so I can change " I say, I'm never this mean usually I have somewhat of a soft tone. I just wanna see Blaise. All three of them look at each other, then look back at me as if their trying to decide something. " You either get the fuck out, and let me change so I could go see Blaise or I'll go in this hospital clothing piece of shit " I say angrily, Ella then sighs.

" Let's go " she says, getting up. She looked as if that baby was ready to pop anytime soon. She was only seven to eight months. Oh my god, was I gonna be like that soon? Ella can pull of the maternity look I don't think I can or at least cant without Blaise. They must've seen I was thinking something hard, because they all three sighed. " Let us know, when your done changing please " Alejandro says, as he walks over to me and kisses my forehead, Gino sends me a genuine smile and Ella mouths ' I love you ' I smile, it was fake but I wanted her to know I loved her too, very much. I couldn't imagine the pain, his parents, Gino and her are going through right now especially Alejandro. I then take off all of the cords, making the machine that tracks my heartbeat go absolutely crazy.

I roll my eyes, I get up and tack off the nightgown they gave me. I put on the outfit, I had on. Seeing the outfit, how it was all bloody. The moment replayed in my head.

" Come on baby, keep your eyes open " I say, with nothing but fear in my voice. He was struggling to keep his eye lids open, one tear falls from his eyes, as blood spills out of his stomach. I put a hand on the wound, attempting stop the blood. I then look over to the bitch, who hurt him. " I hate you! " I scream to her, it's not like she can hear me though. So glad, that bitch is dead to bad I can't make her suffer like she's doing Blaise. " I love you baby. You can do this, come on your so strong " I say, having tears spill from my eyes.

" This was just the beginning, don't do this please. Don't leave me " I say, my voice breaking. " Someone fucking help! " Ella screams, her voice almost giving out. I smile weakly " if I let you go. Remember too save a spot for me okay? Then we'll be together again. But, right now your with me. Stay with me love " I say, I can't loose him. My one true love, he would've laughed at me for saying corny shit or even thinking it. He wasn't able to speak, because every time he tried to speak, his coughed up blood. He then grabbed my hand, and gripped it tightly like he didn't wanna let go. I didn't either. He used his free hand, and tapped my waist on my left side. He always did that if he was going somewhere. Another, sad tear leaves his eye and falls down to his cheek.

I didn't realize I zoned out, a tear falls from eye and makes it way down to my cheek. " I need to see him " I mumble to myself, I then grab my phone that was also in the belongings bucket. I put it in my pocket, I then make my way towards the door. I then take out my phone; after getting out of my room.

Pendejo ( best friends baby daddy )

D - What room is Blaise in?

A - we'll come too you, and then go together. We wanna see him too

D - Hurry up then

A - Coming

I turn off my phone, and putting it back in my pocket. After a few moments of waiting, I then see the three of them come into my sight. I make my way towards them meeting them halfway. " Let's go " I say, they nod. Alejandro leads the way, knowing already where to go. After a few minutes of walking, but what felt like ages. We finally reach a room, number 206. My palms begin to feel sweaty. " Hey it's gonna be okay " Gino says, too me noticing my facial expression, and nervousness. I smile, nodding.

Alejandro takes in a breath, and opens the door. I then see Blaise laying down in the hospital bed. A bunch of cords connected to him, a tube on his nose I'm guessing to help him breath. I suck in a breath, my heart aches for him. I walk in before everyone else, moving a chair close to him. After doing so, I sit in the chair. I then take a glance at him, seeing him like this. He looks so lifeless, and pale. It looks like he's dead " he doesn't look the same " Ella says, her voice breaking again. " He looks dead " Gino says, his voice also breaking. I look to him on the other side of the bed, letting a tear fall from his eye. This is all to much for me. I then, put my face into my hands on his bed and begin to cry.

" He's gonna make it out alive " Ella says, as she's trying to sound convincing I don't think she wants to convince us, she's trying to convince herself. I then look up, from stuffing my face into my hands. I've never cried this much in my life, besides when I was a child. Even then, as a baby I didn't cry this much. " We're gonna leave, to give you two some time " Ella says, grabbing Gino. Gino nods, and Alejandro nods agreeing with both of them. They all three leave the room leaving Blaise and I alone. I then look towards Blaise, another tear falling. " Oh baby " I say, grabbing his hand. It felt cold, as if he wasn't here in his body. " I miss you so fucking much " I say, with my voice breaking.

" I miss home, not just our house. I miss you, you were my home " I say, I want him back. " I wish it was me " I say, with the moment replaying in my head once again. " You didn't even scream when she stabbed you, how is that? " I say, remembering he didn't even groan. I chuckle " I remember, when we first met almost a year ago. You still think I bumped into you " I say, finally smiling for once a genuine one not a fake one. It only lasts a few seconds then quickly disappearing remembering where I was, and who wasn't with me. He was asleep. I'd like to think. " Mi corazón te anhela " I say, my voice breaking. I remember him seeing, he always liked my Spanish accent. I always liked his Italian accent. I then check my phone to see it was 11:11. " Angel numbers " I say, looking at my phone.

" You trying to tell me something, huh sweetheart? " I question, smiling at the nickname I called him. He always calls me that, fuck I miss that so much. " I have to tell you something love " I say, I pause. I'm not sure why I did, he's not gonna respond. " I'm pregnant " I say, my voice breaking for what felt like the millionth time today. " You can't go, because I need you to help me raise him or her. I need you, I won't be able to look at someone who looks like you but a miniature version " I say, letting another tear fall for the 100th time.

I then hear a knock at the door " come in " I say, whipping the tear away. I then see the three of them again. " Their discharging you " Ella says, giving me a sympathy smile. I nod " Blaise, we'll be back tomorrow. Okay love? I promise. This feels like a goodbye, but it isn't my love. We'll be together again soon " I say, smiling at him. I like to think he can hear me. I then, walk towards Ella and them. Ella then opens her arms to hug me, I instantly accept and hug her back. I cry into the hug. " I miss him so much El " I say, Ella begins to cry as well " I miss him to " she says, as her voice begins breaking. " He'll be okay, I promise " Ella says, trying to sound reassuring to me to make me feel better. " I love you Ella so much, I'm always here my love. " I say, smiling into the hug, thinking about how lucky I am to have her as my best friend. I'm so lucky I met the Valentino's and the beautiful things that come with it.

A / N : hey loves. Thank you for the major support and love, I receive from you guys. Please feel free to correct my spellings, and grammar mistakes. Also, if you have any tips or advice for any of the next few chapters or anything for the future. I love you all very much. Stay safe and healthy. Till next update sweethearts <3 .

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