Chapter 74

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I had finally, had the girl I loved with everything I had left in me home, with me. " I love you " I repeated in Davinas ear for the 30th time, since we got home. She smiled " I love you more " she says, as she adjusts herself on my lap. Since we were home a day earlier then planned, I got too do some work finally. I had too get shit done, and arranged before my brother got here. Oh boy, I was not looking forward to tomorrow, but I was looking forward too seeming my niece. She was nothing like her father, very pure, kind, loving, caring. She did have her fathers attitude though, she reminded me of Davina if I really think about it.

After getting some work done, with Davina on my lap calming me and make sure I don't break something because of how stupid people could fucking be, I asked Susie if she could make everyone dinner expect for Alejandro and Ella. They were going to dinner, he was gonna propose tonight and get a nice beautiful hotel. I helped pick out the restaurant and hotel. Of course, he asked for my parents and I's permission. He asked me about a month ago, I reluctantly said yes. My parents, excitedly said yes, they've been rooting for El and Alejandro for years. They didn't really have much faith in me, with my love life. Only person, I dated was the bitch Davina hates. First love, and honestly that she'd be my last.

But, Davina came along and challenged me, didn't take no for an answer, met my satisfactions's in every way possible. Now, my mother and Michelle are rooting, for Davina and I too get married. Davina and I laugh, at each time our family's mention is having children or getting married. " You okay? " Davina asks, as she continues too play with my hair, we had just been sitting in my office talking, getting too know each other more and more. I must've zoned out " yeah baby, I'm fine. Just thinking " I say, as I smile. I hear footsteps, coming up the stairs. I grip Davinas waist instantly. I hear a knock on my door " what " I say, bluntly. " Dinners ready, Blaise " Susie says, I relax " thank you Susie we'll be down in just a second " I say, with that I hear Susie walk back downstairs.

I tap Davinas waist signaling for her too get up, so we could get eat. She does just that, I smile and stand up off the chair after seeing she was stable and on the floor. I kiss her forehead, I walk too the door and open it for her, she smiles she then walks out of the door and stands their waiting for me too go along with her. I roll my eyes playfully I close the door locking it with my keys, and texting a guard too stand beside my office and make sure no one goes in besides me. After getting the confirmation text, from the guard I signal Davina to go down and I follow behind with that she nods. We both go downstairs, the smell of my favorite food comes too my nostrils.

" There's only one person, who knows how too cook this food " I say, as Davina and I both reach the main floor. Everyone's attention goes to us, and a familiar yet annoying face that I hated seeing every day of my childhood and teenage years comes out of the kitchen. " At least someone acknowledges my cooking " my brother says, I roll my eyes. He still had the same dark black hair, same skin color as me, same Italian accent although, his was much more uncontrollable. Mine came out sometimes, his was almost all the time, each time he spoke. " I wasn't acknowledging your cooking, I only said only you could cook this meal " I say, Davina looks at him and I. She was searching both of us, I could see it in her hazel eyes.


Hold on this is his brother? I could see the familiar features in both his and Blaise's face. The familiar accent, though in the brothers voice his is more noticeable. " Holy fuck " I say, the brother turns his attention to me and back at Blaise, he smirks at him. " Someone has a potty mouth, don't they doll? " He questions, Blaise's jaw clenches. I roll my eyes " you could flirt with the other bitch, you took from Blaise but not me. Sorry " I say, as I shrug " you cuss a lot " a little girls voice says, from behind Blaise's brother who's name I didn't receive. The girl, becomes visible as she comes out from behind him. She looked similar too the man, she was behind although she had brown hazel hair, tanned skin, beautiful smile.

" My apologies, little one. We aren't used to having kids around " I say, she shrugs " I don't care " she says, I chuckle " you must be Blaise'a niece " I say, recognizing the artifice and bluntness. I look over too see Blaise looking at his brother, and his brother looking at him. " You must be his girlfriend " she says, I notice Blaise look at the young one standing beside her father. " People talk, and listen " she says, I smile " I see that, gotta be careful what we say around you. Now don't we dear? " I question, everyone was just watching this interaction. She smiles, seeing I returned her energy. She nods repeatedly, and skips her way over too the dinner table.

" Nonna you don't look a day over 30 " she says, causing some to laugh, she was talking to Alexandra. " Why thank you, my love. I try " Alexandra says, as she forms a cheeky smile. " Gino sit your ass down " Blake says, causing me too choke on my spit. " Finally, I'm getting some names " I say, I feel hands get placed on my waist, from behind. I smile, smelling the familiar strong cologne fill my nostrils. " You now know my brothers name is Gino " he says, with his Italian accent coming out as he says his brothers name. I nod " and his daughters name is Mara " he says, once again with his Italian accent. He gets me every time. Gino make his way, to sit beside his mother. Blaise and his parents, were sitting on his left side. My parents were sitting on his right side. My mother got up " Mara you could sit here if you'd like " my mother says, I shake my head " no don't worry about it. I'm sitting by my uncle, thank you though " Mara says, Blaise removes one of his hands from my waist and shuffles with Mara's hair.

I smile at the sight of him, being so gentle and playful with her. It was adorable. " Don't have kids, they'll prefer your siblings over you " Gino says, I chuckle at his words. " You still pissed at me brother? " Gino questions, Blaise looks up after fucking up his nieces hair and tickling her. His face becomes coldhearted once again, his jaw clenches " you slept with her, and didn't tell me " Blaise says, I'm pretty sure he doesn't care wether Mara hears or not honestly, she looks like she's 10. " It was an accident, I'm sorry " he says, with general regret in his face. " Whatever Gino " Blaise says, I roll my eyes. Susie comes out with a plate of food, it was a single plate and with a smile " Mara I made your favorite food " she says, Mara runs away from Blaise and goes too Susie. " Thank you Susie, you never fail " she says, as she smells it dramatically. I chuckle at her actions.

Blaise sits down in his seat, I sit next to him and Mara sits on the other side of him. " So munchkin, how's school? " Blaise questions, everyone was talking with each other some were listening too Blaise and Mara's conversation, I was one of them. " It's good, thank you for asking. How's killing people going? " She questions, I choke on my food. Both Blaise and her look at me, I roll my eyes. I properly swallow my food, and drink water " continue " I say, Blaise rolls his eyes. " It's going just fine, thank you for asking. Has your father, let you see your mother? " Blaise questions, Mara rolls her eyes, and scoffs " Yeah, on the weekends " she says, not fazed. " Any new friends at school sweetheart? " Alexandra questions, as she puts herself into the conversation. Mara seemed so mature and confident and much like her uncle and father from what I've seen so far. " Yeah, a boy " Mara says confidently, and smiles. Blaise, Blake and Gino's eyes go straight to Mara. " He's really cute, grandma " she says, as she smirks. That deviously smirk, that Blaise does when they know exactly what their doing.

A | N : hey guys, thank you for being patient with me and supporting me! It means so much, I'm sorry I haven't updated as frequently. If you have any advice or tips for better writing for me, and better book for you let me know! Feel free too correct my misspellings and grammar mistakes. Also, if you have any mafia related books, too recommended please comment it would mean tons. I haven't found one that's interested me! So please, also if you ever wanna talk please remember my dms are always open! Stay safe and healthy please. I love you all so much, bye loves. Until next time <3

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