Chapter 24

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I woke up too an alarm I set the night before, I turn off the alarm and see everyone still sleeping. That's when I hear a ring go off on someone's phone it was Alejandro, he gets up too and puts his hand on his forehead probably too try and smooth his headache. He quietly groaned in pain, probably not noticing that I was also up. He finally looks at our side of the room, and sees me up, we both get off the bed. Alejandro looks at Ella, and I look at Davina. Both peacefully sleeping " god she's beautiful " I mumble, as I look at Davina I find myself smiling at her.

" Is someone in love? " Alejandro asks quietly " no, we've only known each for a month too fast too be in love " I say, as I get a pair of sweats and a black t-shirt basic I know. " Actually, your all caring about how she dresses, who she talks too the first 2 weeks you let her stay you got pissed because someone gave her there number, totally you aren't in love " Alejandro says, as goes too the restroom, I roll my eyes. After he comes out I see him ready, already in a similar outfit like mine but black sweats, and a white t-shirt. " Whos waking up Ella? " Alejandro asks " oh hell no I'm not " I say " no ones waking me up if I'm already up you dumb asses " Ella says, as she gets up. " Oh Alejandro I'm off my period " Ella says, as she smirks. Ew " disgusting " I say " so who's waking up Davina? " Ella says " me, she's a sweetheart she doesn't get all grouchy like Ella " I say " oh good luck " Ella says " what do you mean? " I say " she more of grouch then I am in the morning " Ella says, as she shrugs " your kidding me " I say " be my guest " Ella says, as she shrugs and grabs clothes and walks too the restroom.

It can't be that bad, even though I've never woken her up before " Davina love wake up " I say, as I lightly shake her " no shut the fuck up leave me alone " Davina mumbles as she turns the other way not facing us. God damn " told you " Ella says, as she comes out in some sweats and a black tank-top " you look beautiful baby " Alejandro says, as he kisses her forehead " ew get a fucking room " Davina says, angrily. " What's wrong with you this morning " Alejandro asks, as we all chuckle besides Davina. There was actually something wrong " I took care of all of you yesterday, like I was your fucking mother. I'm not your mother, you take care of your god damn selves. That goes for each and every single one of you bastards " Davina growls, as she says that the whole room went silent Ella, Alejandro and I look down feeling ashamed.

That's when something unexpected happened " hey at least this fucking time my brother isn't cleaning up your fucking mess with bodies? " Ella says, oh fuck. That's when I saw in Davina's eyes something I've never saw before she looked really fucking angry. Davina just laughs, that laugh it reminded me of my fathers. An evil fucking laugh, a laugh that tells you something bad is gonna happen, Davina gets up and grabs some clothes and walks too the restroom slamming the door " dude.. " I say " I didn't mean too blow up on her, I was just not in the mood this morning my head hurts " Ella says " that laugh.. it reminded me of " Ella says " dads " we both say.

I was fucking frightened, I never get scared but that laugh it bring up memories memories I don't wanna ever relive. " Yo I'm scared too get on the plane with her " Alejandro says, Ella nods. Just before I was about too say something Davina comes out, I see her gather her shit, and put it in the suitcase, and just before I was about too say something Davina leaves, she isn't going anywhere without us, I don't know he where she thinks she's going, I'm not even gonna bother going after her she'll just have too come to the jet in an hour or she's being left behind in New York " where is she going? " Alejandro asks, I shrug my shoulders, that's when we all get a text it's from this group chat we're in with Davina.

" You all pissed me the fuck off this morning, don't call, don't text. Leave me the hell alone, bye. " I say reading out loud what the text said " she can't go anywhere so I'm not worried " I say, as I grab my keys " I'm gonna call the guards too get our shit and I say we go for breakfast " I say, Alejandro and Ella nod. I walk over too the door and open it for everyone, Ella and Alejandro walk out, soon after I walk out following behind them. " My head hurts so bad " Ella says " mine too " Alejandro says " mine doesn't hurt too bad, I took an aspirin this morning along with some water " I say, as I unlock the car Alejandro gets in the front, and Ella gets in the back because she wants too rest a bit.

I drive out of the parking lot, and about 5-10 minutes later we finally get too the diner. We all get out of the car, and the waiter sits us down at a table. I got a text from Jaden saying our plane doesn't leave for about 2 hours so have enough time. They changed it, we all ordered our food pretty quickly. I see Ella looking worried " what's wrong El? " I ask in a soft tone, Ella looks at me. " I'm worried about Davina " Ella says " me too honestly " Alejandro says " she'll be fine guys, she can't leave anywhere without us we have the plane, the transportation, we have everything she needs, she'll be back in no time. " I say, as I send both of them a small smile, a couple minutes later the waiter comes with our food " will that be all for you guys today? " The waiter asks " yeah thank you " Ella says, the waiter nods and leaves our table. About 45 minutes pass, and all of us finish our food.

" We have too go now, the plane leaves in about 20 minutes, its gonna take us about 10-15 minutes too get there " I say, as I leave a tip on the table. They all nod, and we get up I pay for our food, and we leave the diner. I don't really eat, but man that was good, I know about this diner because Davina told me. I was getting worried now, honestly but didn't wanna show or tell anybody so I didn't say anything and kept an emotionless expression on. After about 15 minutes, we finally reached we're the private airplane was " hey sir, the plane is gonna take off in about 5 mins " a young man said, as he was standing by the entrance of the plane, I nod. We all get in the plane. " Okay now I'm officially worried, where the fuck is Davina? " Ella says, as take our seats.

" I don't know, I'll call her " I say in a worried tone, Ella nods. I begin too ring Davina, she doesn't answer I call a couple more times still no answer. This girl needs too pick up her god damn phone " still no answer? " Alejandro says, I shake my head no " I've called about 5 times no answer " Ella say, I nod. " Were going too be leaving for take off, will Ms. Quinzel be joining us? " A body guards says " no I guess not " I say, with an unfortunate tone. Alejandro and Ella look at me.

" What? She isn't coming then, that's her fault she can find her way back home " I say, with no emotion on my face, when really inside I was worried fucking sick. But I had shit too do back home, cmon Davina where are you?

A / N : Hey besties, hope your enjoying the book so far, again with punctuation, and the grammar, and the misspelling. I'm really sorry if it's bad, I haven't been having the energy too look through everything! But lmk where I fucked up, and I'll fix it. If you're reading this, thank you for giving my book a chance, hopefully it gets better in the future. <3 enjoy

- Mariposa / Savannah <3

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