Chapter 76

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Our parents, looked at us weirdly. " Everyone come downstairs! " My father yelled, still remaining eye contact with me. I hear everyone coming down the stairs, not breaking eye contact with my father, I can feel and hear the breathing of everyone from behind me. " What's up? " Ella questions, as she gently rubs her stomach soothing it. She does that when she's in pain, no nothing was wrong. The doctor says, it's just the baby telling her that he or she was getting ready to be birthed, Ella was scared shitless. " we'll the smarter people, will be leaving for a trip " my mother says hesitantly, I instantly look at all 5 of them with confusion. " Susie, Blake, Xander Michelle and I will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning " Alexandra says, Blaise and Gino scoff.

" Don't you two scoff, your family and I need a break from this world and you people " Susie says, as she's finally had enough of Blaise and his brother's attitude. The boys, immediately hush. I chuckle " okay, you five have fun please be safe. Call us if you need, any help. We'll keep the house under control " Ella says, as she comes up beside me. I smile agreeing with her. " Hold on I'm still on the fact that you called yourself the smarter ones " Mara says, causing everyone to laugh. " We'll be having one last dinner, for Blaise's birthday " Blake says, I nod. Blaise groans, as he always from behind me and walks to the kitchen. I had already knew what I was gonna get him. I also was going to get him a personal gift.


About 3 hours later, of Susie cooking and everyone in their own world. Blaise and I had went to his room, and watched a movie, Adam Sandler movie to be specific. At least two of them. Blaise had fallen asleep, he never gets sleep I swear. He pretends to sleep, then as soon as I've fallen asleep he leaves and does work. What's crazy is that people don't think he does his job, when he really does. Constantly. On our trip, to the beach he did nothing but work on his free time. When he's not spending time with family or me he's working or killing someone or planning something evil and something I'd always admire.

He fell asleep, during the beginning of the second movie so he's been asleep for at least an hour. I enjoyed watching him sleep, it was quite adorable. Some may say creepy, others might say relaxing and soothing and a relieving knowing he's sleeping peacefully. I check lay on his chest every few minutes checking his heartbeat making sure it's steady and still breathing. I'd always do that with my closed ones, making sure there okay. I always did that with my grandmother before she passed. Her death, happened when I was only 14 years old. Her death, and besides killing is what made me so cold and heartless. She was my best friend, because my father was never able to spend quality time with me because of the job and being the don had his duties.

After him seeing how ruthless and sad I got after her death, he spent more time with me making sure I knew he loved me. Our bond grew closer, that day he decided that. Unfortunately, for me having a relationship with my father wasn't enough. It didn't fill the spot like my grandmother did. She was my best friend, more of a mother figure then my supposed mother, that was married to my father was. My grandma was always so positive and saw the good in things. Was never able to say no, she always made me laugh. We got into our arguments of course, said some things we don't mean. We'd always make up, and apologize.

A phone ringing, pushing me out of my thoughts. It was my phone, I quickly turned off the ringer and grabbed my phone and quickly but quietly walked out of the room, and answered my phone. " Hello? " I question, forgetting to check who the contact was. " Hey Davina, how are you? It's Carla " a familiar voice says, I then let out a sigh I didn't know I had holding inside me. " Fine, you? " I question, my overthinking gets the best of me. I begin to question myself. Why is she calling? Why is she just calling? What does she want? " I'm doing fine thank you for asking. I'd like to tell you something " she says, sounding hesitant and nervous. Her nervous and scaredness is something I smelled every since I answered the phone, and she spoke. Something was off. " That is? " I question, still keeping my suspicion. " Do you mind coming outside of your house? I'm here. I feel as if it's important to speak about it in person. " She says, I roll my eyes " sure " I say, planting a fake ass smile on my face.

We say our goodbyes, and I head downstairs to see everyone talking amongst themselves or with each other or doing something. They all turn there heads to me, I ignore the stares and put on my shoes that was by the door. I stepped outside, seeing Carla standing by a new car I've never seen before. As she hears the door close, she walks towards me I walk towards her. I forgot to grab a weapon. " Fuck " I mumble, and fake smile as I got closer. After finally getting closer she opens her arms to hug me, I hesitantly hug her back. " Okay girl, so I have to tell you something " she says, her tone was different she wasn't like this before. " What " I say, I was getting frustrated, she needed too hurry this shit up. " Blaise and Ella were talking shit about you, and we're planning on killing you " she says, I look at her eyes. She was lying, her eyes were trying to pretend as they were telling the truth. Her hands were slightly shaking.

" I'm sorry babe, you deserve better " she says, in a fake soft ass tone. I chuckle " I knew you were a fucking traitor, what are they offering you? " I say, she had to be working for Vincent or another enemy of ours. " What do you mean? " She giggles nervous, she puts her hands in front of her and begins fiddling with her fingers nervously. " You suck at this shit " I say, bluntly. " If they actually said that, or were talking shit about me. Tell me, why would they have been so comfortable talking to you about that? " I question, she attempts to throw a punch hoping to catch me off guard, I catch her fist and turn her wrist till hearing a snap. She screams in pain, they hadn't trained her to good. That's when I hear the door open but don't bother too look to see who it was. She uses the freehand that was not in pain to throw another punch at my face. I grab her fist again holding this one. I knew her stomach.

" They seriously can't train you, for absolute shit " I say, letting go of her wrist and punching her in her nose causing her to tumble backwards. " Ladies! " Blake says, I hear multiple footsteps from behind us, then again I don't bother to look back. I then tackle Carla to the ground making us both fall but I fall on top of her. Each legs on both sides. I continuously punch her repeatedly, her blood getting on my clothes. Her nose was fucked up, most likely broken. She was on her last, trying to still hold up a fight. I then feel hands grab me pulling me off of her, and she lays on the floor bleeding out trying to get up. That familiar scent came to my nostrils. " Davina, why would you do this? " Blaise questions, as his tone sounds so confused.

" She said that you and Ella were talking shit about me, and we're planning my death " I say, still trying to fight from Blaise's grip. He wasn't budging. " What? " Blaise spats, I grin at Carla. She had finally grown the strength to get up but Gino was holding her back. " You bitch, we don't even talk to you anymore you fuck! " Ella says, angrily. " That's no way to speak to Vincent's sister is it? " She questions, everyone's attention immediately goes to Carla.

A / N : hey besties, thank you for the major support on the book. I couldn't be more happier, on how much love and support I get from you guys. Your guys supportive comments make my day. Your funny comments, make me laugh. We've come such a far way, thank you so much to those who have been there since the first ten chapters. Absolutely unbelievably insane. I now have 18k reads. That's insane bro. We've come so far, I never thought this book would interest so many people. To those who are still here, thank you for being here since day one. Please, feel free too correct my misspellings and grammar mistakes. I'd appreciate it, so it's better for you guys. If you have any advice or tips to make this book, much more readable and that would intrigue people let me know. Please stay safe!

- Xoxo Savannah <3

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