Chapter 11

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" What " Blaise says after hearing what I just said " sike. Wait is that what these kids say nowadays? " I say, Blaise rolls his eyes and starts the car. I smile, and turn on the radio and listen too a few of the songs that came on, I don't know if we're gonna talk about what happened earlier before getting too the club. Probably not. We finally reach the Valentino estate, I get out and walk too the house and open the door feeling that it was unlocked I see about 3-4 guys having a drink, and Ella sitting down on her phone.

" Hey El " I say as I put my small hand bag down on the coffee table, I don't give any of those guys my attention. I don't know them so I'm not gonna acknowledge there presence. " Hey D " Ella says " where did you two go? " she says and smirks I roll my eyes " I had a mission. " I say bluntly while walking too make myself a drink. " Oh really? how'd it go? " she asks " Fine. I killed 2 people. " I said proudly " nice " she says as she comes up from behind me and makes herself a drink as well " she was only supposed too kill one person. " Blaise says as he sits down on the couch next too the men I saw.

Ella looks at me in confusion, I finish making my drink and sit down on the couch " well the one I seduced I killed and got the information we needed, and the other person was this girl who was sitting on Blaise's lap, Blaise was allowing it for fucks sake. So I killed her " I say as I take a sip of my drink " so? you stripped on a fucking pole and gave that guy a fucking lap dance " he growls " that my fucking mission you dumb ass. " I say " my bad I forgot you were looking for the fuck of the night. " I say and I hear a few of the men chuckle, and Ella giggle.

Blaise gets up as if he's challenging me. I get up as well and put my drink on the table and the room goes silent. " You have a mouth on you " Blaise says as we both walk closer too eachother " yeah it does plenty of things " I say as I sip some of my drink once again " oh I'm sure it does sweetheart " Blaise says as he keeps an emotionless straight face. I couldn't read what he was feeling. " Mhm " I say as I walk away from Blaise and back too the couch where I was originally sitting. I finish my whole drink in just one sip. " Woah slow down now " Ella says " I'll be fine " I say almost slurring my words.

" Who are you? " I hear a man say I look his way too see a somewhat attractive man, but not as attractive as Blaise. He had dark brown hair, hazel brown eyes, and was in a suit " I'm Davina, and you are? " I say his eyes widen and he looks at Blaise and Blaise shrugs and nods it's like they said something too eachother without speaking " speak " I say sternly looking at both of the men. " You're Davina, the best assassin and seducer in the world. Well the Mafia world, Davina Quinzel. " he says " oo I like the tittle but I don't flatter myself that much. I'm a good seducer and assassin not the best " I say as I play with a strand of my hair " yeah yeah whatever. Wouldn't we be killing you right now? You're in the opposite mafia of ours. You are our competition, why are you at the Valentino estate? " he questions " ask Blaise. He kidnapped me and kept me hostage " I say as I shrug and drink a sip of Ella's drink. I was still thirsty.

" I wouldn't of had too do that if you didn't fuck up and blow your cover " Blaise says as he shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of his drink that he made earlier well me and the man were speaking. He finished his drink. " Yeah yeah whatever " I say as I roll my eyes " so answer my question, why are you here? " the man speaks again " because my father abandoned me, cut me off because I fucked up one mission. " I say as I chuckle " shes in our Mafia now. " Ella says, finally I didn't wanna keep answering this stupid questions.

" Oh good too know " he says " what's your name? " I ask I don't bother paying attention too the other men half of them are on there phone or the other half are fucking day dreaming. " Alejandro " he says " nice name.  Who are you too Blaise? He was comfortable letting you stay with his sister so you must be someone he's either close with, or comfortable with. " I say " I'm his bestfriend. Kinda like brothers, we've been around eachother for about 10-15 years we met when our parents introduced us. " Alejandro says.

I see Blaise tense up I give him a ' it's okay ' look he knows I know about his parents. He calms down a bit, and just listens too me and Alejandro's conversation. " Oh, nice too know " I say as I send a small smile " So, why did you kill that lady that was sitting on Blaise's lap. Was someone jealous? " Alejandro asks, this prick. " Nope never that " I say as I innocently smile. That was a lie. " Whatever you say " Alejandro says as he sips a big gulp of his drink " so what brings you guys here? " Blaise asks " someone broke into your warehouse " Alejandro says " fucking bastards. Who's Mafia? " Blaise asks " Russians " Alejandro says. Wait what.

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