Epilogue: Yoongi

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"I love it, Yoongi. Thank you." I say looking into his soft eyes.

"You aren't going to fight me on the cost?" He says walking up closer to me.

"If I couldn't fight you on the clothes, there's no point in fighting on this either." I say as he takes the bracelet from me. He flips it over and shows me the inscription.

With Love, Meow Meow

I giggle at the name. He hates being called that by anyone other than me and Mikey. He always calls himself that when he's speaking cutely in the third person to me, but never in front of the others. I repeat the two words delicately, taking in their meaning, "With Love."

"Y/n, I love you." Yoongi says, putting his hand up to cup my cheek. He then continues while clasping the bracelet onto my wrist, "I don't know the exact moment I fell in love with you, but you were always so stubborn. You called me on my shit, and even threw me off you. Drank my whiskey and had fun at our expense. You're brave and strong, and even though you're the reason we were taken in the first place. You're also the reason we survived. My love will be the only thing I can give you, as a thank you for that."

Tears were already streaming down my cheeks, "I love you too, Yoongi. So much."

He pulls me in, and our lips collide in a passionate kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull, deepening the kiss further. His hands travel away from my cheeks down to my hips and he squeezes gently. He licks my bottom lip, asking permission to enter, and I willingly give it to him. His tongue hits mine, and instantly dominates. He tastes like the strawberry soju we've been drinking. I don't know how long we've been making out in the closet, but we were interrupted by the clearing of someone's throat.

We immediately part and look to the door. There standing in the doorway is Jin. He looks mad, I think. Is he not happy about this? Yoongi takes a step forward, "I don't want to hear it, Hyung."

"You're putting her at risk, Yoongi-ah. We all agreed, why couldn't you just wait?" Jin says sadly.

"I know we did, but I just..." He looks at me and I know I have hurt, and confusion written all over my face, because his face changes to a more concerned one, "Don't get upset. We all agreed that I should wait until our contract is up. That is a long time from now though. We have rules against dating, but no one will know. Right, Hyung?"

Jin sighs, "If they find out about her-"

"You mean ARMY?" I ask cutting him off.

"I mean anyone. We have an image to protect. Being seen with a woman is less than desirable to over half of our fan base, as well as the public endorsements we could lose. It would be a PR nightmare." Jin states.

I hum in thought, "So, we don't get caught. As far as anyone knows, I simply work for Hybe as a financial director. That would explain why I would be with you-"

"You can thank Yoongi for that one." Hoseok says popping up behind Jin, he puts a hand on his broad shoulder and smiles, "Hyung, this is fine. They have all of us to protect them. I hope you're ready Y/n. Gangsters and crazy exes are nothing compared to the chaos of BTS."

💜💜one year later 💜💜

It took some time, but Jin started coming around after a month or so. He did keep close tabs on us when we were working together, but we always kept our distance. We haven't had any issues and have even told Bang PD about our relationship. He already had his reservations about me in the first place. Rightfully so, I did get his 'work sons' kidnapped, and almost killed.

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