Part 21

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I was woken up by a stream of light in my face. I noticed I was now laying down. Hoseok and Yoongi were across from me in the other bunk bed. I went to sit up and was immediately stopped by a hand around my waist. I panicked inwardly as I followed the hand to Jimin’s face. The panic instantly dissolved.

Despite the promenent bruise on his cheek, he was sleeping so peacefully. I took him in as much as I could, before his eyebrows knitted together and then his eyelids fluttered open. We just stared at each other for a minute, before I caressed his cheek. He winced slightly and grabbed my hand, then whispered, “I’m fine.

Don’t do that.” I whispered, and he looked at me with a puzzled look, “Lie.”

Before he could say anything, a loud clanking of the jail door startled us all. Hoseok and Yoongi both shot up from their beds, and Jimin climbed over me to stand with them. The door opened and a flurry of men rushed in and grabbed each member.

Another man came in and told me to follow him. When I questioned him, one of the men punched Yoongi hard in the stomach. He toppled to the floor in pain.

“FINE! Fine, I’ll go, just stop hurting them!” I said getting off the bed quickly.

“No, Y/N!” Hoseok yelled in vain.

I turned and smiled at him, “You can’t get hurt. Not because of me.”

Then I walked out, leaving behind a chorus of angry yelling from the members. Then a door being shut and locked once again. The men that had held the members caught up to us, and followed behind me. They led me down a couple corridors, left and then left again. Before coming to another locked door. They opened it to reveal the remaining members of BTS. Namjoon stood up immediately, face angry and determined, but he softened immediately upon seeing me.

Namjoon had a bandage wrapped around his head and a black eye, he also had one wrapped around his forearm. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes, but I held them back. I won’t cry in front of Johns men. I looked beyond him to see Taehyung with a cast on his arm, and Jin was laying in a bed with a bandage around his head as well. No other visible marks though. Jungkook was in another bed. His would from the gun shot at the lake house was wrapped up, and he had a bruise on his cheek. His ankle was also wrapped up with a tensor bandage.

Johns men pushed me inside, and told me I had 30 minutes. 30 minutes until what? I was about to turn around and ask but I was bombarded with 40 questions from 4 different faces. Getting overwhelmed I stopped them by waving my hands.

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, hang on,” I said then took a breathe, “I don’t know where we are, no I haven’t seen John, and I was with the others, they’re all a little beaten but they’re fine.

They all breathed a sigh of relief, then Taehyung came over and hugged me tightly, his cast digging into my back a bit. Then he let me go, and put both hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. He looked like he was searching for something, but his eyes rested on my collar. His contorted into anger but he was quick to cover it when he looked back up into my eyes, “Are you fine, Y/N?

No. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I say with a slight smile.

“Liar.” Jin said from the bed. He had his arm up over his eyes, “No one is fine. We’re here!

That stung me. I flinched a bit, and Namjoon must have noticed, “No, no, Y/N. We’re not mad at you. Right, Hyung?”

Jin scoffed, another jab to my heart. I deserved nothing less. Jin got up and walked over to me. Then in the most weird turn of events, he pulled me hard into a bone crushing hug. He pecked the top of my head a couple times, “Of course I'm not mad at you. Just this situation we’ve gotten into. How can we possibly get out of here?”

“I have an idea.” I said. I know it was coming sooner or later anyway. So I may as well prepare myself for it now, “I'm going to offer him everything he wants in exchange for your freedom.”

“What!? NO! I won’t accept this!” Jungkook said limping over to us. He pushed Jin to the side and grabbed my biceps, “Are you out of your fucking mind!?”

Yes. “I have to. It’s the only way. You’re more important, remember?”

The door opened again, and a single man stepped in, “Time to go.”

I backed up a step, panicking, I didn’t want to leave them like this, “but it hasn’t even been 10 minutes yet!?”

“Boss doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” He says void of any compassion for me and the guys. He’s obviously in the perfect line of work.

Namjoon stepped forward a bit, “Boss? John is your boss?”

The guard laughed hysterically then. What? Namjoon and I looked at each other, confusion written all over our faces, I just shake my head.

“If you think that weasel could lead a mafia, you are extremely mistaken kid.” He said, then regained his composure, “Thanks, I needed that laugh. Lets go.”

“Wait,” Jungkook put his arm across my chest to stop me from going anywhere. I'm obviously getting predictable, “Who’s the boss? Where are you taking her?”

Suddenly, a song I don’t recognize starts playing from the guards pocket. He sighs and reaches in, then answers it. He doesn’t say hello, or even good bye. He just answers, listens, and then hangs up. Then looks back to me, “You can bring one of them with you.”

“Namjoon.” I say without hesitation. Jungkook, and Taehyung look disappointed, but Jin understood immediately and nodded to me. Namjoon then takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. “I got you, don’t let go.”

I nod and we walk with the guard, once again hearing the door lock behind us. 3 more guards joined  behind us. I squeeze Namjoon’s hand a little tighter, and he responds. Our secret way of reassuring each other that we are there.

I wonder if this is THE boss of Kaisen. What is he like? How scary will he be? What will he want from us? We’re led up a set of stairs and through a locked gate, and another locked door. Both requiring a swipe card. The gaurd then led us to a set of wooden doors. Dragons were carved into both of them. Beautiful.

We stopped in front of the doors and the guard turns to us. He put blindfolds on the both of us, then he mumbles “To protect the identity of our boss.”

Once the blindfold was on, my adrenaline started to spike, and my heart was racing. I pushed myself closer to Namjoon and grabbed his arm with my other hand. He felt my shift in energy and let go of my hand, I almost whined, before he bear hugged me, holding me close to him, “I’m here, Y/N, we’ll get through this together.

All I could do was nod against his chest. Then the doors opened and he let go, grabbing my hand again. We were led inside and stopped somewhere. The scent of lavender was heavy, and almost choked me when I inhaled. I couldn’t see, but I could definitely feel a menacing aura from in front of us.

“Leave us.” I heard. The voice was deep, but the accent was unmistakable. This man was Korean. I heard the door click shut behind us, then the clicking of heels coming towards us. I moved closer to Namjoon instinctively. He gave my hand another reassuring squeeze.
My blindfold lifted slowly, startling me, I backed away behind Namjoon. My face now buried in his arm. I felt Namjoon shift again, “Don’t touch her. Why are we here?”

“Ah, another Korean. Its been a while since I’ve used my first language. Take off your blindfolds. I don’t understand why my second makes my prisoners do this. Its not like the authorities can touch me anyway.” The boss said walking away from us.

I felt Namjoon move, and then say, “You’re not what I expected.

Knowing that Namjoon has taken his blindfold off, I gather my courage. I pull head out of his arm and slowly lift my blindfold. I don’t look away from Namjoons back just yet though, “There she is. What a beautiful princess. Her protector is quite something too. Quite the exquisite eyes you have, Namjoon.

Did he just? I finally gather the courage to look up. The room was black and white with sophisticated décor. His desk was to the back of the room, in front of some huge windows. Outside I could see nothing but snow. Then my eyes fell on the boss. He was definitely not what I expected. He looked like a Korean version of Frankie Grande. Right down to the makeup and right off the runway outfit.

My face must have said it all, because he laughed and sat up on his desk, crossing one leg daintily over the other, “What’s wrong, Princess? Never seen a gay man run a mafia before? My name is Dae-Hyun.”

My brain froze. Thankfully Namjoon's seemed to still be functioning, “Why. Are. We. Here?”

Dae-Hyun looked at Namjoon and eyed him like a hungry tiger stares at a steak meal through a glass panel. Something in me shifted then. The fear suddenly gave way, and I shifted myself in front of Namjoon. I stared back angrily, and he got the message. It was only then that I realized my hands weren’t bound.

“Ah, there’s the feisty Kitten I’ve heard so much about. I thought for a second that John grabbed the wrong Y/N.” He smirked a bit, then stood up off his desk, and walked towards me, “You are here, because of John. He is a very trusted friend, and I value his bank account.”

He giggled, and hooked a finger under my chin, “Hmmm, your dirty. All of you will be joining me for dinner. My guards will have you washed up and changed.”

He walked back and sat at his desk, his whole demeanor shifted then. His eyes went dark, and he had a sneer on his face, “Y/N. Just a reminder for you and BTS. I have the remote for your collar.”

I gulped, fearing for BTS. The boss giggled and snapped his fingers twice. The doors behind us opened, and we turned to leave but were stopped by Dae-Hyun, “Oh, and just to be clear. I’m not above anything.”

He looked Namjoon up and down again and I knew then what he meant. He waved us off with a snicker, and we were led out. No one said a word. We had gotten to the locked gate, when out of no where Namjoon tripped over nothing and fell into the guard holding the door. He was punched in the face for being clumsy. I sucker punched the guard as hard as I could, and I was immediately brought to the floor by my shock collar. That bastard, Dae-Hyun, he can see everything. When I regained myself I grabbed Namjoon as quick as possible and helped him to his feet, then we continued walking.

We got back to the room, and I was about walk in after Namjoon, but I was stopped by a guard, “You’re to go to the shower room first.”

I looked at Namjoon who nodded back at me, he sighed, knowing full well we can’t stop this, “We’ll be here when you get back.”

I was led away, and entered the shower room. They handed me a suitcase. The same one I used at the house we were shooting at. Sure enough, all my clothes and toiletries were inside. Pushing the thought that one of John’s goons touched my underwear to the side, I walked towards the communal shower.

I was met with a sight that I never want to see again. John was stark naked, under one of the shower heads. He looked at me with a smirk and I immediately backed away and then ran for door. I tried to pull it open but it was locked, I screamed for someone to help me, but no one ever came. I heard laughing behind me, and turned to see John, stalking towards me, “No one will come for you here, Kitten. They’re all on my payroll. Now-”

“G-get away from me!” I yelled at him, pressing myself into the door. He came closer and pressed himself into me. He stroked my hair and then lifted my chin up with his finger, “Remember who guarantees the safety of your new boyfriends. We wouldn’t want anyone to hurt their pretty, and no doubt expensive, faces.”

My brain clicked from flight to fight instantly, “Motherfucker.” I said and head butt him hard. He fell to the ground, and I clutched my head. Ugh, fuck! That hurt!

“You fucking bitch!” He said getting up, I moved away from him, and he moved toward the door, then banged 3 times, it opened wide and he yelled “Bring me one of them! ANY ONE!”

“Like fuck, you are asshole!” I screamed and barreled into him, pushing past him and the guard.
My only option now was to escape. First things first. Pray to fuck we live through this. Second. Find BTS.

--------------------------------------------------------- So I'm like 30 minutes late updating. Don't hate me 👉👈🥺

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