Part 6

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When we got back from the mountain, everyone was already busy doing their own things. The Maknae's were trying to play baseball, Jin was out on the boat fishing, and Yoongi was sitting down at the outdoor table reading. Hoseok was the first to express his need for a shower, so he went up into the house quickly. Namjoon followed behind to do his own thing. I had some time so I decided to just watch as Jimin tried to throw the ball towards Taehyung so he could hit it.

 I had some time so I decided to just watch as Jimin tried to throw the ball towards Taehyung so he could hit it

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 Taehyung may very well have hit Jimin's tosses, IF he wasn't aiming directly for Taehyung. I couldn't help but laugh when Taehyung caught on to Jimin, and on the next throw stepped back and swung. The ball going past me towards Yoongi, JUST missing him. No one moved, I don't even think they breathed. I roll my eyes, chickens, and walk over towards the ball. Sitting at Yoongi's feet.

"Sorry Yoongi-oppa." I say as I bent over to pick up the ball.

He just glared at me over top of his book, "Why apologize for them? Taehyung-ah, hit the ball. You should not do things like this."

I just look at him confused. Honestly, it's not something you think about in western civilization. You just apologize when bad things happen. Someone accidentally bumps you on the sidewalk, you both say sorry and continue on walking. Someone may short change you on your chicken nugget happy meal, the cashier says sorry and makes it better, but they didn't give you the incorrect amount of chicken nuggets, the guy cooking it did. Before I can say anything though, Taehyung and Jimin come up beside me, and bow their heads.

"Sorry Yoongi-Hyung. We should have been facing the other way." Taehyung said.

Yoongi looks at me, little emotion in his eyes. I can't help but feel like he doesn't like me very much, or at the very least my presence. I'm a little hurt by it, I know he's not obligated to like me, of course, but he is Min Yoongi. He has been distancing himself from me, and he barely talks to me when we eat. I lower my gaze from his eyes in submission.

"I think your Hyung deserves a water for being the subject of target practice." Yoongi chuckles before standing up and ruffling Taehyungs hair, " You guys want anything?"

"Actually yeah, we'll help you, Hyung." Jimin said linking his arm in Yoongi's. Taehyung followed behind after turning back to wave at me.

I waved back and turned away looking for Jin out on the water. We still have to have our lesson. I went to the end of the dock that leads past the boat house. He's so far down the lake that he's a tiny speck surrounded by 2 bird like drones.

Jungkook came out of his room and came towards me, "He's avoiding you, you know? He isn't great at English, so when Namjoon told him about how you drilled him, he got nervous."

"Oh dear," I leaned against the railing, looking out at Jin, "I should've realized, I feel awful now. To be honest, I didn't think you guys would have believed him."

He laughs his sweet little bunny laugh, cute, "Don't worry, Hyung isn't so easily shaken. He's also still embarrassed about choking." He leans against the railing, our shoulders touching. "Can I go after Hyung? I'm curious to see how much I've actually learned from someone who isn't afraid to be honest with me."

"Does that really happen that much?" I stand up from the railing and face him, he does the same.

"We even do it with each other," He laughs again, cute as fuck, "This one time I asked Yoongi-Hyung to teach me to play the piano. I was horrible! He still praised me though. Too nice to hurt my feelings. So I got a real teacher, but even she wouldn't give me real criticism. I guess that's one of the many prices we pay for being who we are."

I wasn't sure how this swung into this kind of a conversation, but I'm not afraid to talk about real issues. I've never been in his shoes, but I would be really annoyed having a teacher like that though. However, the mention of Yoongi does make my heart hurt a little though. I shake it off.

"Well, I promise you that I will be every bit of honest with you, during our lessons, and outside of them. I want you guys to be comfortable with my being here. It can't be easy having some outsider you don't even know, sleeping, eating, working, along side you." I put a hand tenderly on his arm, and take it away again.

He smiles at me, "I'd like that, and honestly, at first we were extremely nervous. The first day was hard for sure, but we're getting to know you more and more every day. You've even passed V-Hyung's vibe check, not an easy thing to achieve."

I was beaming, I couldn't help it, or stop it, I squealed. "That is 100% the greatest compliment I will ever receive in my life! Thank you, Jungkook-ah. What should I do about Jin-oppa? I don't want him uncomfortable."

"Nothing at all. Once he sits down to talk to you I'm sure his nerves will settle. You're very easy to talk to, and you have kind eyes." His bunny smile is beautiful.

Before I could say anything, squirts of water started splashing our faces. When it finally ceased we were drenched and laughing. We looked towards the source and saw Jin filling up his pink water gun.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled, and ran back towards where the boats were docked. He opened a deck box to reveal what can only be described as a giant bazooka water gun. He then reached back in and grabbed a smaller normal sized water gun, then tossed it to me. I turned back to Jin, and with clear vengeance on my mind, aimed, and fired a stream of water. Jungkook followed my lead but with much more gusto. His bazooka drenching Jin almost instantly.

"AHHHH OK, OK, OK! I GIVE UP!" Jin yells from the boat.

"That's what you get for getting Noona wet!" Jungkook yells back, squinting him one more time.

Do I come off as some damsel, surely not? I look out at Jin and he looks at me, a silent understanding passing between us, and we both turn and spray Jungkook. I chase him around the boat house, and by the time we've come full circle, Jin has docked the boat and joined me in the chase. We corner Jungkook, but before we even have a chance to assume victory, he sprays me, and I cover my face. He takes the opportunity to get behind me, knock my gun out of my hand and spray Jin again, before repeating the process.

We're laughing so hard at this point that Jin is trying to hold himself up by using Jungkook's shoulder. I steadied my own laughter and watched as the two interacted. Trying to calm themselves, then looking at each other and starting all over again. This is going to be one of my favourite moments in life, ever.

"Lachimolala?" Everyone stopped at the sound of my ring tone. I blushed hard with embarrassment, and rushed to pull my phone out before it could go off again. I can't believe I forgot to change it! Jin and Jungkook were laughing even harder than before, both on their knees clutching their rib cages.

"Jimin is going to die of second hand embarrassment when I tell him this." Jin said a single tear rolling down his cheek from laughing. 

I shake my embarrassment away and look away from them to unlock my phone. I received a text from an unknown caller.

Hello Kitten.

Everything around that message went dark, like a vinaigrette filter closing in. Then nothing. Weightless, darkness, cold. 


How am I doing so far? 

Do you guys have any pet names that you would absolutely hate being called? I refuse to let someone call me baby or babe. I'm very independent, and baby just makes me feel like I need to be taken care of. 

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