Part 8

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A/N- mentions of abuse, and drug use.


June 13 2013

“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Y/N, happy birthday to you!”
I smiled widely at my dorm mates singing to me while bring me my 2 tier red velvet cake. 18 sparklers lit all over it. Plus one giant candle on top. 19 years old.

“Make a wish, Y/N!” My roommate demanded.

I thought for a second. What could I wish for? Did I want to be a basic bitch and wish for good grades with minimal effort? A boyfriend? More money? Maybe I should go big and wish for a car? Maybe a pet? You know what, I don't really need anything or want anything more than I have. Everything was perfect. Why tempt fate? So I closed my eyes and leaned down towards the candle as the sparklers reached their end. I let out a breathe and cast my wish as they burned out.

I wish to remain strong.

When I opened my eyes, a pair of beautiful brown eyes stared back at me. His brown hair pulled back, and he was wearing grey suit pants and a white button up shirt that extenuated his muscular build. He was stunning, and we just starred at each other, I got lost in his eyes, while everyone else was clapping around me.

He smiled, and started clapping with everyone else. I was knocked out of my gaze when the cake in front of me was whisked away. I looked back at the spot the mysterious man was standing in, but he was gone.

I was about to stand up when a piece of cake was placed in front of me, “Happy Birthday, Y/N. My name is John.”

I looked up and saw the beautiful brown eyed man from before. Smiles across both our faces.

(Ian Somerhalder is who I picture for John

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(Ian Somerhalder is who I picture for John.)


“So it was love at first sight then.” Namjoon says with his hands interlocked against his face. They've all been listening intently to our beginning.

“Yes, it was. He became my everything, and I his.” I said.

“Hmm.” He leaned back in his chair, “a fairytale start, with what I assume is a nightmare ending.”

I nod my head, “Are you prepared to hear that end?”


December 25th 2013

“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” John said handing me a giant bouquet of red roses, and a small box. I look at him questioningly. He's not..?

I open the box to reveal a key, “It’s the key to our new house.”

“Our's?” I’m stunned, he bought us a house. A freaking house!? I know he's rich but holy crap!

“Remember last month when we were looking at houses online for fun? You found this one that you said, and I quote, ‘This house would be the most perfect of all perfect houses, I would kill to live there.’” He handed me a piece of paper, the deed to a house with both our names on it, “Who could resist making that dream come true? Are you happy, baby?”

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