Part 20

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Already part 20...damn. I never thought I'd make it this far. 😱

Even though its hard to tell whether you all are liking this or not, im hella proud of myself right now. 💜


I was awoken by the feeling of someone stroking my hair. Soft and delicate, unlike the hard floor I undoubtedly was laying on. I didn't dare to open my eyes just yet. I was afraid of who I was going to wake up to. My head was on something firm, not a pillow, but still oddly comfortable. The person started to caress my cheek, collarbone, then down my arm. It felt like a gentle massage. I knew then it wasn't John, but someone much more kind.

“Hobi?” I ask, fluttering my eyes open. The room was dark, and had one small window. No light was shining through it, so I knew it was night time. The room looked like a jail cell. 2 bunk beds on either side of the room, toilet and sink in the middle.

“I'm here, angel.” He says. Angel, I like that.

I smiled up at him, then try to sit up slowly, but a harsh pain forces me to hold my head and groan. Hoseok rubs my back in a soothing motion.

Are you alright, Y/N?” I hear a deep voice from across the room. Yoongi was sitting there with one arm wrapped around Jimin, who was curled up into his side. No doubt he was scared. They all are. I am.

Yes, just a headache.” I say.

Lay back down, I will rub your pressure points.” Hoseok pulls me back down gently, and it was then that realization hit me, and I can feel my face instantly heat up. I had been laying in Hoseok’s lap. He was petting me and caressing me, like he does in his sleep. Oh god.

He started rubbing my temples, with a weird smile on his face. I must be blushing hard. Fuck, think of something else, Y/N.

I stared up at the ceiling, trying my best to avoid his beautiful eyes concentrating so intently on doing his current task. Making me feel damn good. My eyes widen and I sit up almost knocking him over.

“Where is everyone else?” I say looking around more. The door had a small panel that I could see out of, and I got up to check for them. However, my small view was met with a concrete wall. I sigh and turn back around.

Everyone looks to each other, then back to me with sad faces, and I ask cautiously, “What's wrong?

Yoongi looks at me, then sighs heavily, “We don’t know Y/N. We don’t even know why you’re here with us. We thought that…that he would keep you away from us.

Jimin gets up suddenly, and walks over to me with tears in his eyes, then throws himself into me. Hugging me tightly. I wasn’t able to hold us up, so we fell to the floor. His whole body is shaking, and I feel my shoulder getting wet from his sobbing. Its because of me that they were taken. This is the worst heartbreak I’ve ever felt.

“I’m so sorry, Jimin.” I say hugging him back harder, my own tears start to fall, “I’m s-so fucking sorry.”

“Y/N-” Hoseok starts, but I cut him off.

“Don’t you fucking dare say this isn’t my fault!” I let go of Jimin, and stand back up, “You’re here because of me, because of my past, because of my weakness!”

Yoongi gets up then and walks over to me, “Who fucking cares!? If you want this to be your fault so fucking badly then fine, I won’t stop you, but don’t you dare try to make us believe that bullshit!”

“Take a look around you! This isn’t some RUN BTS episode where your fucking safety is guaranteed. This is a real life kidnapping and your safety depends solely on my cooperation with a fucking maniac!” I say getting closer to him.

“Y/N, I hate to say it like this, but,” He takes a breathe, eyes closed and then opens them with a fire, “WERE FUCKING BTS! If you think for one second that there isn’t someone looking for us all over Korea right now, you are mistaken.”

Were so close I can feel his breathe hit my nose. Before I can say anything else to him, the door opens, and laughter filters through the room.

“Kitten, your new friends don’t seem to be very smart. What makes you think that were even in Korea? I’m not stupid,” John says, walking up to Jimin, “This one.”

“What?” I ask, taking a step towards them. 2 men came in suddenly and grabbed Jimin. He fights them off for a while, but John just sighs and holds up a remote and presses a button. Pain quickly shoots through me, and I fall to the floor.

“Y/N!” I hear Hoseok yell. He dropped down next to me, and just hovered over me, afraid to touch me. Anger all over his face. Thats not a Hoseok I want to see often. The pain subsided slowly, and by the time I could regain my composure, Jimin was crying and being held by the 2 men tightly.

“That collar is as much for you guys, as it is for my Kitten. Now,” He puts the remote in his pocket and walks over towards me. He motions for Hoseok to move away from me, he hesitates, but does as told while glaring daggers laced with poison at John. John smiles a sickening smile in return, “Obedience is a great quality. The rest of you could learn from your dancer. Stand, Kitten.”

I glare at him, and look towards Jimin, then I do as I'm told, and stand on shaky legs. I steady myself the best I can, and then stand tall and strong. He smirks at me, seemingly amused.

“What do you mean we aren’t in Korea? Where are the rest of my friends?” I ask cautiously.

“The infirmary.” He states flatly.

“What did you do!?” Yoongi yells from behind me. John must not have liked what he was doing, because he held up the remote to my collar.

“They fought against us after your separation, and well,” he laughs gingerly, then his demeanor changes as he looks at me, with cold eyes, “I don’t like disobedience.”

He’s sick, twisted, wicked, monstrous, despicable, barbaric!

He walks up closer to me and strokes my hair, then my face. I jolt my head away from his face, and he frowns. He turns away from me, and i'm confused. That can’t be it, that was too easy.

I look to Hoseok and Yoongi who look just as confused as I am. Then I look back to John, he had an evil grin on his face. He balled his hand into a fist and immediately punched Jimin in the stomach. He grunted and doubled over onto the floor.

“NO!” I screamed, tears falling instantly, I ran towards Jimin and fell to his side. Hoseok and Yoongi tried to follow suit, but John held the remote up to stop them. They growled at him angrily. Jimin coughed up some blood, and I started rubbing his back with my hand, “I’m s-sorry.”

The 2 guys grabbed Jimin again and raised him to his feet. I stayed on the floor sobbing as they picked him up, his face had pain written all over it, but he looked angry, “Shut up, Y/N. This isn’t your apology to make. Its that bastards! I’ll be sure to get it before I leave here.”

I starred at him in shock. When did he go from Mochi to Mother Fucking Park Jimin. I nodded at him with wide eyes, then I was instantly thrown down so my back was on the floor.

Jimin was grunting in pain as John punched him in the face, followed by another to the stomach. He fell to the floor again, gasping for air. I move forward onto my hands and knees, and stroke his spine.

“J-jimin-” I start to say, but Jimin raises his hand to stop me.

John shakes out his hand, and laughs. Then snaps his fingers and the thugs lift Jimin up again. His eyebrow is bleeding. John then looks to me and  throws me back onto my back.

John straddles me, and I start fighting back on instinct, but was quick to stop when he raised the remote again. He wasn’t looking at me though. He was looking at Hoseok and Yoongi. As if daring them to try to save me.

They took an apprehensive step back, and he smiled again, “Well, now that we all know what will happen when any of you fight back, let's continue, Y/N.”

His hands trailed from my thigh up to my waist and the other stroked my cheek. He slowly lowered his lips to mine. It was an agonizingly long time where his lips pressed to mine, I stayed frozen, and I did my best not to vomit.

He growled and sighed heavily while leaning back up. He took a gun from his man and held it up to Hoseok. Hoseok’s eyes go wide as he looks down the barrel of the gun.
“I won’t fool around with this any more, Y/N. Kiss me.” He said in a low voice.

The tears fell harder and I whimpered in fear, then he lowered himself again. Our lips met and this time I kissed back. My eyes never shut, but I couldn’t see anything. My tears doing well to blind me.

He quickly and harshly grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me up against him. I gasped, and he took the opportunity to slide his disgusting tongue into my mouth. He explored my mouth for a bit, before finally allowing me my freedom.

“Good girl.” He says before letting me go. I fell to the floor again. Hitting my head hard, he scoffed, “Still so dramatic.”

I felt him get off me and he saw 3 blurry figures leave the room. I heard a couple of sighs and 1 groan, followed by some shuffling.

Come on, Jimin. Lets take a look at you.” I hear Hoseok say.

I’m fine. Focus on Y/N.” Jimin says. Simultaneously a hand went under my shoulders and another under my thighs. Then I was lifted.

She’s in shock.” Yoongi says. Then I’m lowered onto someone’s lap. Arms replacing arms. The smell of vanilla. I’m held in a tight embrace.

I feel warm breathe on my face as I'm pushed into crook of this persons neck. I finally let my eyes close and just let this feeling of love and safety envelope me. I feel a tender kiss upon my forehead, and the person holding me finally speaks, “We got you, Y/N. No matter what he does to us, we’ll be here to pick up all your shattered pieces. I promise.

Jimin. Baby mochi. I finally let everything out of my heart and sob into his neck, I wrap my arms tightly around his neck and refuse to let go. Not that anyone was trying to make me. He just kept rubbing my back and humming to me softly. I finally calmed down, and fell asleep. Wrapped in what I’m going to call , Vanilla Mochi Love.

Jimin stans be like...

---------------------------------------------------------Jimin stans be like

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Me be like...

Me be like

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