Part 25

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It's been eighteen months since I left with Shell on my mission to kill John. In that time, we have taken down cell after cell, hoping to reach the motherland. Every time we go to one place, we kill everyone, except one skinny little Kaizen, usually scared for their life, and he takes us to the next place. So far, we've taken down twenty-three cells. Five of them have been money laundering cells. Four casinos. Three training facilities. Five Art galleries. Seven mansions.

I made it a point with Shell that we were to leave all the properties untouched. I didn't want to trade John for Dae-Hyun. Who I am sure is getting tired of having to reestablish presence in all his properties. The men are getting less and less experienced as we move along. Leaving training too soon can be detrimental to your life expectancy.

Now we're about to hit the next one. A garage of sorts. We've seen everything go in there, Astin Martins, Ferrari, Bugatti, Rolls Royce, even a few mustangs. millions of dollars in cars, just sitting there waiting to be blown to smithereens. They only have about 20 men guarding this fortune, which is odd, but lucky for us. We're sitting up on the roof top of a mall before we go in. We take a small breather to collect ourselves and get into the right mind set. I sit on the ledge and look over to the streets below.

There is a group of girls walking down the street, their conversation piques my interest, "Have you seen the new BTS greetings?! They look sooooo fucking good!"

I miss them. There hasn't been a day that goes by where I haven't thought of them. Every now and then I'll send them a quick postcard from whatever country I happen to be in. Just so they know I'm alive and thinking of them. I know they're in Brazil right now, on their world tour. I wonder if they still think of me. If they're still going to hold me to my promise. I almost died a few weeks back, by sniper. Luckily, he missed, tragic for him as I wasted no time in shooting him down from his perch.

I've trained everyday with Shell, and the rest of her followers. I've become a skilled killer. I've even tortured people for information. Shell has told me before that my emotions are still getting the best of me, but when I torture these men, all that emotion comes out and I'm blinded. I think I scare her sometimes. She always says nothing afterward, and just pulls me into hugs, where I cry everything out.

"You good?" Shell asks me.

"Yeah. Let's just get this done." I say, forcing myself away from the ledge.

"Kitten claws out." Shell says to me. It's become her thing to say to me. Almost like a hypnotic effect, she says that, and I know it's time to go all out. We get into a group huddle with 3 guys and 3 girls. Tina our eyes and ears will be the only one to use coms once were inside. She is nestled safely away in a hotel room 30 km away. All these people are deadly in their own right. Shell gives us our pep talk and mission run down, then we break.

I follow Shell down to the side door. Clear. Tina says over my coms. I start to pick the lock while Shell watches my six. I get the door open and seconds and unholster my handgun, silencer already equipped. Shell and I move as one, slow and methodically. Not one step making a sound. Our job was to check the blind spots upstairs. Specifically, a room with a steal door. We go up the stairs and wait for Tina. Three guys with guns, three office workers. All will die tonight.

I round the corner and shoot fast, taking out two gunners and two office workers, Shell takes out the rest. We split up to confirm our kills, all of mine are fatal, right through the brain. Shell and I regroup and move again back-to-back. We move towards the middle door. Thumb print scanner, that we were prepared for. We plug in a special device that Tina uses to remotely hack the system and let us in. Taking less than a minute, the light goes green, and we disconnect the device. We go through the door, guns at the ready.

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