Part 17

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So who else is flat ass broke, and is going to stay that way!? I can't wait until the concert, and those Dalmajung photos...Hoseok really is coming for me. 


We all sat around the fire pit with the agent and a producer, who I understand is practically funding this whole getaway, as well as my salary. He was not to keen on my arrival to begin with and pushed for a male linguist. Of course im not surprised by this, they've only ever had male, or, what I call untouchable women, around them. Having a fan, a very single fan, teaching them, eating with them, sleeping near them, its not ideal for producers.

Namjoon sighs, and squeezes the bridge of his nose, "Bang PD-nim selected Y/N himself. If there was even a chance she would cause a problem, he would have already thought of it, and he would already have plans made up for each and every one of those outcomes."

I didn't know that. I honestly thought he wouldn't have picked me, simply because I am female. I'm both confused and extremely flattered at the same time.

"I understand that, but if he has a reason for her presence then he should have kindly shared it with us." The producer says.

They go back and forth for a while, by the end of it, it was 7 against 1. Its not like they can tell BTS 'no', right? I do appreciate them fighting for me because I got to stay, and we get to go on as per normal. Whatever normal is. They have beefed up the security, as best they can. All electronics now have advanced virus protection as well as monitoring software. Privacy is no more here. Not that I was hiding anything to begin with.

I make the decision to call my sister and sent a text to see if she even could. Its around 11 pm there now. She wants me to give her a few minutes. So I set myself up at the table by the water. As I'm waiting I take a couple selfies and notice a couple of extra smiles in the back.

"What are your plans for today, Noona?" Jimin asks, sitting down next me, and Taehyung sits on my other side.

"My sister is about to call me. After that, I may pull Hoseok-oppa aside for his lesson." I say. I tap my phone again, impatient to talk to my sister. 11:14 pm there now.

"Can we talk to her to?" He asks, and instantly an idea comes to mind. I smirk a bit.

"Well you can, but she only speaks English." I say in a playful tone.

Taehyung just shrugs and agrees, but Jimin noticeably gulps, I laugh a little, and put my hand on his shoulder, "Its ok, I got you."

He gives me a small unassured smile, but nods anyway. My phone then rings, and up pops an adorable, but tired looking Mikey.

"Mikey! Shouldn't you be in bed, Mr." I scold.

"Mommy got me up so that I could talk to you. Will you sing for me again?" He pouts.

Jimin coos and giggles, "How you resist, Noona?"

"Her name isn't Noona, who are they, auntie?" Mikey questions, then my sister now comes into view.

"Hey, Y/N, I- Oh Hello." She smiles and waves to us.

"This is Jimin and Taehyung," I say pointing to each respectively, "Actually, Jimin is the one who originally sings our song, Mikey."

"He is?" My sister says curiously. Crap.

"Your song?" Taehyung questions.

"Auntie sings me the love you song, so I can fall asleep!" Mikey says happily and runs with the phone to his bedroom. The screen goes black and I can hear giggling from both my nephew and my sister.

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