The One I Want

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i laughed at how well she knew me. we knew each other like the back of our hands. "yes, captain!" i exclaimed then bursted into giggles.

"sean, i need you to do me a favor, okay? i need you to find some water and stay put. can you do that for me?" she asked. i heard the dinging of her car. i nodded then realized she couldn't see me. "okay." i responded.

a sigh of relief left her lips. i asked the bartender for a bottle of water then chugged it. i hung up the phone and waited outside on a bench for kaycee's car to appear in front of me. i wasn't sure of how much time went by, but the next thing i knew, she was in front of me and helping me into her car.

"you have got to stop doing this, sean- no, no, no. stay awake." she said as i started dosing off. "keep your eyes on me, okay? stay awake." she ordered.

i followed her orders and focused on her face. aside from the slight dizziness, i was able to analyze kaycee's features that i never noticed. time flew by as i got lost in her mesmerizing features. we came to a slow stop, making me notice that she was unbuckling her seatbelt.

i was about to ask what she was doing, but decided not to as my head began to spin. i opened her car door then spat out the bitter fluid that was now coming up into the grass. bile started to rise in my throat, making me vomit all of the toxins out of my body.

"i'm sor-" i was cut off with even more vomit. kaycee wrapped her arms around me, helping me out of the car once i was done. she guided me to her front door and let me in slowly. i leaned on the wall by the door while she turned on a lamp and made sure it was fully safe for me to walk through.

"i'm going to go make you something to eat so you don't feel faint. you know where to freshen up. can you get there on your own?" she asked. i nodded in response while snuggling into the comfy couch. kaycee gave me a worried look then put her hand in my hair and ruffled it.

"i'll be back." she said softly. when she disappeared into her kitchen, i made my way to the bathroom and brushed my teeth as well as rinsed my face. my head pounded as the words rang in my head over and over. 'sean, meet christine. this is your bride.'

i didn't want to marry. not to mention it's someone i don't even know. how could my dad do this? i realized as i was deep in my thoughts, kaycee came up beside me. "i have a water bill, you know? not to complain, but you don't give me the best salary." kaycee chuckled as she turned the water off.

i scoffed in amusement at her words then followed her out into the living room where i was previously. "are you sobering up?" she asked as she handed me a bowl of rice, beans, and chicken. i nodded but kept silent. kaycee hummed then sat down on the cushion beside me.

for a half hour, all that filled the room was the repeat episode of spongebob and the sound of my spoon hitting the glass bowl. "look, i know you probably don't want to talk about it, but why do you keep doing this? seriously sean, this is your third time this week."

i sighed, not even wanting to think about it. but i had to tell her. i need to give her an explanation for why i keep calling her when i'm in these situations. i leaned my head on her shoulder for comfort. "for economic advantages, my dad is making me marry someone that i don't even know." i said quietly, only enough for her to hear.

kaycee put her hand in my hair and massaged my scalp slowly. "i'm sorry that i keep calling you, but i just.." i looked up at her to see her staring at me intently, eyes filled with care. not even thinking, i cupped her cheek then kissed her. a couple seconds after our lips made contact, kaycee pulled her head away.

"no. i-i'm not going to be a distraction, sean. i'm your friend, not an escort." she said with a hurt look in her eyes. i turned my body so it could face her completely. "i think that's why i'm here, kayc. i think that's why i keep calling you. you're the only person that genuinely cares, and i love you for that." i confessed, holding her chin so she could look at me.

"love is a strong word." she said in disbelief. i shook my head with a smile on my face. "it is, but i mean it. i'm obsessed with you, kayc." i said looking deep into her eyes.

"for you, i'd give it all up." i inched closer to her as i let everything i was feeling out. a small smile stretched onto kaycee's face before she kissed me, her small hands settling on the sides of my neck.


that was the night we made love to each other. and ever since, i've been obsessed with her. kaycee is like a drug, but she's one that heals and protects you from what makes you weak.

and for her, i'd be willing to give it all up.


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LewRice ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora