Chapter 61: New People (3)

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38 minutes and 45 seconds.

The Auction House went into chaos because of that record.

-Where's the bastard who said it was impossible to clear it under an hour earlier?

-You think clearing the whole labyrinth in just 38 minute is physically possible? Don't you think it would take around 50 minutes even if you just run through the whole thing without fighting?

-I got over 1 hour and 20 minutes even when I was sneaking around. What is that record?

-Crazy, crazy!

-You guys are in big trouble now.



-I Love Gimbap is paying attention to this place.

-So what?

-Yeah, so what? We're all anonymous here anyway, what can he do?

-Guys, guys, do you know what's more shocking? The record was that fast even though he still killed some monsters.


That was correct. In the same record prompt, aside from clear time, there's also a number of monsters killed as well as the amounts of points earned throughout the clearing process.

The final record goes like this:

「1st place: That Bastard

Clear time: 00:38:45

Kill: 23

Points: 46」

– 38 minutes while also killing 23 monsters? Crazy!

-I don't think this makes sense...

-Even if the whole labyrinth is empty, I don't think I can be faster than his record.

-It's a bug! A bug, I tell you!

-By the way, what is his unique ability? Didn't someone say that he has a creation-type unique ability?

-Now that I think about it, back in midsummer, there was someone who sold ice packages here. That bastard must be I Love Gimbap.

-So, does it mean that the record came from someone with a creation-type unique ability? Does that even make sense?

-Isn't it possible to do so if he creates OP items then uses them to get the record? (N: OP = Overpowered)

-There's a limit on items that one can equip, you idiot! You can only equip 5 at the same time!

People understand that the fact that he could finish with a record less than 40 minutes, while also killing 23 monsters in the process, could be addressed to the fact that he's a stagnant water. However, what people really want to know is how the hell did I Love Gimbap managed to get to the finish line that fast? Did he run blindly through that dark labyrinth? After all, although one wouldn't waste much time fighting monsters, they would still be slowed by the fact that they can't see anything inside the labyrinth, with how dark the inside was.

Some users quickly jumped into in-depth analysis.

-Since it was still impossible to kill keepers now, he probably only relied on the Terrain Detection skill that you can get from hobgoblins.

-If you can kill two, you'll get Terrain Detection 2. But still, even with that skill, that record is a bit...

-Are you sure there are no other skills that he can use to navigate himself inside the labyrinth? By the way guys, what skills come out when you kill a keeper?

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