Chapter 27: D - 10

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-President Jang Wontaek is currently holding a National Security Council meeting. The opposition demanded that any kinds of information related to underground emergency bunkers be open to the public. This is Reporter Kim Ho-jong reporting.

The faces of the people attending the meeting were all heavy. The cause was, of course, the hobgoblin and goblin corpses. At this point, most of the citizens had also known about it thanks to the news program which showed all kinds of videos regarding them.

"They blurred it, huh?" On one particular news program, they blurred a sight of goblin corpses being dissected. And when the screen changed, the operation table was replaced by the sight of a white-haired man draped in a lab coat being interviewed by a reporter.

-Dr. Lee Hyung-tae, can you tell us what kind of creature this is?

-They are from a species which hasn't been discovered on Earth.

The sample's height and weight are 136cm and 37kg...

Doctor Lee Hyung-Tae proceeded to give a detailed explanation about the goblin. But all of it went over my head, as his words were too hard for me to understand. Thankfully, the reporter cut off the doctor's explanation.

-Rumors circulating on the internet said that this monster is actually a goblin. And its appearance fits the description of goblins from many sources. What do you think about the matter?

-Until now, I thought it was nothing but a joke... but now that I have witnessed it with my own eyes, this creature is surely not something that originated from our planet, but a creature from another world. Therefore, we have to prepare.

-What kind of preparation are you talking about?

-Preparation for the end.

Those words come out from the white-haired doctor.

"It is only a matter of time before it becomes known to the world." Of course, some people would think that it was nothing but a fabrication and propaganda made by Korea. But with evidence as clear as this, there would be no sane governments who dares to simply ignore it. Sooner or later, key figures from various countries would surely visit Korea to find out the truth.

"At this point, it's getting dangerous for me too." Things got too big. Unless the government were an idiot, they would surely figure out the situation. They would try to find the production team behind Survival Life. They would also search all over the Awakened community for an answer, leaving no stone unturned. Up until now, I had only been concerned about other people and their superpowers.

"But when the goblins popped out on the news, everything was revealed to the world." Maybe, about me too.

"At this point..." Should I just expose everything? What would happen if I announced that I'm I Love Gimbap and that I have videos containing all the information about the incoming apocalypse?

A few days ago, except for some awakeners, no one else would really care if I did so. But now as goblins have appeared, what the awakeners claimed was becoming reality. Therefore, the government would definitely try to secure me first.

"And they would also be interested in the world beyond the portal." They would surely ask me to bring evidence, samples and a lot of other things from there. And then what? Except for myself and animals, no one could enter the portal. At the end of the day, there's no way to save other people with my portal.

What do they think the people would do once they know that the zombie apocalypse is unavoidable?

"Protests...riots...terrorism..." Only negative thoughts came to mind. The actual results won't be much different from that, unfortunately. In the end, there was a high possibility that people would create a bloodshed just to stay by my side.

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