Chapter 56: A Way to Break Territoriality

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"Ah seriously!" I grumbled at the white poop dust falling from the sky. If I could, I wanted to make a super long spear and stab the ass of the demon that caused all of this.

"AHHH!" Birds flew away, startled by my shouting. The snow which had piled up on the branches also fell, joining the snow on the ground. Let's do some work.

I started off with the snow that had piled up on top of the warehouse. Then, once I had finished with those, I cleaned places around the shelter which snow piled up on. However, as the size of the shelter was around 200 pyeong, the amount of snow I had to clean was beyond my imagination. However, I couldn't just neglect it, as it might be dangerous for me if I did that. Who knows when bad luck would hit me in the head, making me fall over my head because of the slippery ground.

I shoveled the snow away for 30 minutes, then warmed my body up for 10 minutes in the cave. I keep repeating this routine, which allowed me to fully focus on shovelling the snow without being overly exhausted. And after repeating it for 3 or 4 times, I finally threw one last pile of snow into the ice wall.

"Ouch." I stretched my back while lightly hitting my waist with my hand. Beyond the fence, the forest was completely covered in white. It was beautiful. But since I knew what kind of danger lurks inside the forest, I couldn't get completely immersed in its majesty.

"When will spring come..." It was so cold to the point I wanted spring to come sooner. Though, it seems like the current temperature was perfect for Dingo. I put the shovel away in the warehouse and entered the cave. When the scarabs noticed that I had entered, they quickly added a couple more firewood into the brazier.

"Oh, thank you." The heat of the brazier permeated into my body and warmed my half-frozen body. I sat on a chair and was starting to doze off when I found the scarabs melting something strange in a bowl, a thick and transparent liquid.

"What is that?" When I asked that, the scarab leader moved his hand and made an eating gesture. As my curiosity flared up, I asked permission from him to try it. As soon as the scarab leader nodded his head, I scooped a little bit of the liquid using the tip of my pinky finger and put it in my mouth. The slight sweetness spreads around my mouth instantly.

So, this is the main food of the scarabs. I nodded my head. According to the picture the scarab leader drew, it was difficult to find food in winter because the sap from which these liquids came from freezes. It seems like that was the reason why they lurked into my cave.

"You guys too had to work hard..." Fortunately, now they can live together with me in this cave. It's warm, free from menacing monsters, and they could eat their fill while living here. What I asked for in return from them was simple: metalworking. And these days, as it seems like they had more free time, they started making something using the gold ore I collected. It was a gold bar the size of a finger.

"Well done..." When I looked at the heavy gold ingot despite its size, nothing but admiration came out. If it were properly processed, it would certainly become useful. Though, I can't do it now because currently, the world is still in apocalypse. So, maybe in the future.

I warmed myself up moderately, applied some paralyzing poison to the needle, and stabbed myself on the thigh. As I had been doing this for a few days now, my Paralyze Resistance skill had become level 2. I can now move properly even if I was hit by the paralyzing sting of the goblins. (E/n changed "Paralysing Poison Resistance" to "Paralyze Resistance")

"If you can withstand the paralyzing poison, goblins are nothing." And, the kobolds, which would appear along with the labyrinths, were not that difficult. The only thing that one had to look out after from those guys was that they have a great night vision. Well, they would be a disaster for those who farmed at night to avoid the goblins, though. But after the appearance of kobolds, the difficulty will jump sharply. The reason was because the long-awaited orcs and werewolves would appear after the kobolds.

Stagnant Water of ApocalypseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon