Chapter 30: D - 5

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July 15th.

In the last 2 days, quite a lot of things happened. Opposition lawmakers, unable to stomach the president's silence any longer, attempted to enter the Blue House by force. But they were blocked by the president's guard at the front door. The National Assembly was also paralyzed, it all became juicy news for the media to munch on.

Meanwhile on the internet, a debate about who would emerge victorious when a zombie and a goblin fight becomes a hot topic. Many netizens put their money on the zombie's victory for various reasons. Though, If anyone asks me, I would answer that the result would vary depending on the circumstances.

"If the zombie can block the paralyzing dart of the goblin, the zombie wins. If not, it was the goblin's victory"

Unfortunately, zombies and monsters did not fight each other. To be precise, monsters tend to avoid zombie hordes because they have numbers on their side

"It is quite noisy abroad, too." If someone visits a foreign community, they could easily feel that something was going on from the very first page. Their community was full with news such as the UN holding an emergency meeting regarding the goblin appearances as well as the US President cancelling all of his schedule to come to Korea. NASA also appealed to space-related research institutes, astronomical observatories, and independent astrologists around the world to monitor any space object that has a possibility of coming in contact with Earth. In the meantime, eschatologists were performing a large-scale worship service in various parts of the world.

"To think they still exist..." I thought they had gone extinct back in the 90's. It's really surprising to see them appear in the world again.

The topic of the end was also popular on many broadcasting platforms, including MeTube. Afterall, these days, rather than having a conversation directly, information was mainly shared through the internet. Of course, it doesn't mean that the information spread around the internet was guaranteed to be correct.

"By the way, what is the President doing?" It's been five days since the goblins appeared, why did he still maintain his silence? No press conference, no announcements, and no public appearances. Just what the hell is he doing? It was so strange. From what I know, the President this time around is not this incompetent.

"Well, it's the same in foreign countries." Key figures from each country had already visited Korea and confirmed the authenticity of the goblin's corpse. Perhaps they had also learned about the superpowers of the awakeners and what will happen in the future. Nevertheless, no country had taken concrete steps whatsoever. And about the developer team of Survival Life... There's no proper information about them as the government is still consistently keeping their silence.

"Don't tell me they are still waiting for a more conclusive evidence." I sighed. It makes sense though, if they interviewed hundreds of awakeners, they would undoubtedly know that there will be a zombie-related event that happened before the real apocalypse. Namely, the Russian boat event. Maybe the government was waiting for that event to occur, before deciding their next move.

On the TV, the scene of lawmakers gathering in front of the Blue House and protesting violently were being broadcasted. They hurled many harsh words and expressed their frustration towards the man who is standing against them; the President's Chief of Staff.

-We only want him to respond accordingly! There is so much evidence already, what more did he need?

-We ask for your understanding.

Even though the Chief of Staff politely bowed his head towards the masses, the slander of the lawmakers only grew even worse.

-Are you sure that the President is still inside?

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