Chapter 4: D-30

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As soon as I opened my eyes, a barrage of pain assaulted my body.

"Oh, my god." With such a groan, I forced my body to get up. Fortunately, unlike usual, I don't have to make any preparations to open the store today.

I opened the window and tasted the soon to be gone peace. In 30 days, it would turn into a giant big mess of chaos.

When I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed that I had lost a lot of fat on my cheek. And my stomach also looks like it has lost a lot of fat. Although the reason it looks so bloated to begin with was because I drink a lot of water. I look pretty athletic now.

After enjoying my slight transformation, I turned my computer on and checked what I had to do. First, I need to order solar and diesel generators. It was pretty cheap when I ordered it from a Chinese shopping site. But just in case, I also bought one each from a Korean shopping mall.

It didn't have to be a powerful generator though. At the very least, I only need them to be able to charge a laptop and smartphone.

"I need to buy a tablet, too." It would be good to have various means to watch the video I had downloaded as desktop was out of the equation since it consumes a lot of power. Though, it could be easily fixed if I build a full-fledged safe-zone. However, for the current me, it would be too grand of a goal. Afterall, if monsters like Owlbear from yesterday appear again, I would have no choice but to abandon everything and run right away just like yesterday.

With that in mind, I searched through the videos list for the one in which I explained to the audience about owlbear. The video started to play with a double click from my mouse.

-I Love Gimbap: As you know, this guy is an owlbear. He's a very violent monster. Just like its name implies, this guy has a bear's body but his head is that of an owl. As you can see, there's also a long claw at the end of its wings. And because this guy likes red trout very much, he is mainly active around a valley.

– Poor Guy: Red trout... sounds delicious. I want it too... I only had ramyun today.

– A Dog That Barks When It Sees A Fool: Woof!

– Rice Soup: No, stop sponsoring him. Please use your money to buy rice soup. Please, Poor Guy-nim!

I don't know if it was Rice Soup-nim's concept or what. But whenever someone sponsored me, he always relates everything to Rice Soup which was amazing and funny.

For example,

– Poor Guy sponsored 5,000 won!

– Poor Guy: it's 1000 dolls day today!

– Rice Soup: 5 won per piece, right? You'll only need 1400 won to eat a rice soup.

– Neighborhood Lunatic: It's Gimbap's fault, anyway.

– A Dog That Barks When It Sees Injustice: Woof!

– I Love Gimbap: Wait, everyone. What did I do?

Mm-hmm. I am getting emotional while watching the video. I really had a lot of fun with the viewers back then.

Every single one of them created their own unique way to make fun of me. The Poor Guy was always poor. Meanwhile, Rice Soup would convert all kinds of currency into gukbap (rice soup) while the bastard Barking Dog changed its nickname in real time following what's happening and made people laugh.

"Huuhh." It's a video from a year ago. It will be hard for these people to survive when the apocalypse starts. Well, those who watched my show diligently would be able to beat zombies to some extent. Maybe... They're working hard to find my trace by now.

Stagnant Water of ApocalypseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon