Chapter 34: D - Day (2)

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In all honesty, fighting zombies wasn't difficult at all. Their agility and durability were less than a goblin. Even without any martial arts knowledge, an ordinary person could easily overpower 1 or 2 zombies if they got a weapon in hand. However, the problem was, when you fight against zombies, unless you kill them quick enough, other zombies around you would slowly swarm towards you because of the noise the fight caused, leaving you no path to escape.

"That's why you have to choose where you fight wisely." If you chose to fight in a narrow space such as an alley, hallway or between a door, the chance you'll come out alive from the fight would be considerably higher as you could effectively defend against the zombies coming front the front with just a shield. Unless they were a reinforced zombie, you could literally beat it up without breaking any sweat in a one-to-one battle.

Just like what I was doing right now. I let one of the zombies come towards me, then I immediately push it back with my shield before hitting it with a mace right on the head. I repeated the same trick over and over again until the last zombie laid lifelessly on the floor.

「You have earned 8 Points 」

"Huff huff huff, this is no joke." It wasn't this hot yesterday, why did it suddenly become this hot today? Even though I wanted to stop and rest for a few minutes, there was no time to cool off at all. I threw the mace and the shield across the portal and jumped to my motorcycle. With a roaring sound, the motorcycle sped up through the street full of zombies.

Every zombie around the area stretched their arms towards me as I passed by. But thankfully, even though the spores had finally taken over the body and were able to control it, their speed was still slow. They would only start to move faster after a few hours as they gain more energy from foods. Before that time comes, I need to finish all my looting.


As I blitzed through a house, I saw a zombie sinking their teeth into someone.


However, I keep holding the throttle without letting it go. There's simply no reason for me to stop. In this situation, everyone was responsible for their own life. If they couldn't survive this much, there's simply no hope of surviving in the future for them as the difficulty would only get harder from here on.

After a while, I finally managed to arrive at the hardware store. But a problem came up. The door of the hardware store was locked with a huge padlock.

"Shit." I immediately took the oxygen cutter and turned it on to cut the padlock. While doing so, I could hear many shuffling steps inching towards me from all directions. Thankfully, I managed to cut off the padlock before the zombies could reach me. I lifted the shutter and pushed the door with my body. The inside of the hardware store was quite narrow so I had to leave my motorcycle outside.

As I closed the shutter, the thick and stale air enveloped me. Then, the owner-turned-zombie staggered toward me from the side room. However, as the space was narrow and there were a lot of things placed between us, it was difficult for him- no, it, to approach me.

"I'm sorry." Without waiting for it to attack me, I pounced towards the zombie and buried my mace in its head. Meanwhile, the other zombies outside start to bang the shutter.

"Be patient, you bastards!" Then, I proceeded to took a swipe through the display. However, even if I limit things I want to loot to something with metal on it, there's simply too many things around. I wouldn't have enough time to take all of it. I can't just spill the shelf just like what I did at the pharmacy, because these things are way heavier than the medicines at the pharmacy.

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