Chapter 23: D - 13

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"It was very difficult to find glasses without any metals on the joints." Sooyeon said as she tapped on the new retro-style glasses fitted on her face.

"Ah. There's metal parts in the joints, huh? I forgot about that."

"That's so. The optician said, 'Why are you trying to find outdated glasses like that?' and I said to him, 'It's beause i like the old style'"

Just like what she said, Sooyeon's smiling face exudes the 80s vibe. It was so different from the chic looks she sported back when we met in front of the department store with Hyung-jun hyung.

"That glasses looks good on you."

"Is that so? That's a relief." she subtly smiled. "By the way, after our last meeting, I looked around the internet again. It turns out that this matter was a lot more serious than I initially thought. I found that a lot of superhumans have appeared these days... are those things really true? And I also found out about the Silver Dragon Meteor."

"Ah, Silver Dragon? If I remembered correctly, around two days ago, it split because of Jupiter's gravitational force? I don't know its current location, but I'm sure it's on its way to Earth."

Sooyeon's face hardened after hearing my words. She then moved her hand to fanned her face. "Whew..."

At one point, Mikyung's head which earlier popped out from her shop's door had disappeared.

"Anyway, because of that, I couldn't sleep all night looking for information. Those 'Awakeners' people... they are preparing for the end more systematically than I thought."

"If you know that the end is coming, can you just stand still? Look at me, I do everything I can to increase my chance to survive." I said.

"One of the pieces of information I read says that the end of the world is almost certainly going to happen. If it's only one or two people who said it, I will simply brush it off as a lie, but thousands of people... now that's worrying. Should I prepare for it or not?"

"Well, it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Haha... that's right. I came here after my shift in the hospital. I also turned my phone off so I won't be called there again." She shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

"The emergency room will be fine, right?"

"Even without me, the emergency room can still function perfectly. Anyway... I'm currently preparing for the apocalypse. While I'm doing it, I thought it would be good if I greet people who are also preparing like me."

Ah, that's why she came to me. Well, even a small connection like meeting through an acquaintance in front of a hardware store could be a valuable relationship in the apocalypse.

Sooyeon held her hand towards me.

"I am a doctor, so if I managed to survive, I would be of great use. Let's make a deal. If Seongho helps me, I will also help Seongho."

"It's a deal."

"Not a bad deal, right? it will be hard to find first aid in the apocalypse, afterall."

Her words were right. And since that's what I was planning to do to begin with, there was nothing wrong with helping each other. This kind of give and take relationship was certainly better than a relationship where you just one-sidedly helped someone.

I moved my hands towards her and grasped her hands with a smile in my mouth.

Then, after shaking it a few times. Sooyeon showed interest towards the rented motorcycle.

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