Chapter 49: Outsider (4)

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"Isn't it simple, Hyung? Just go your separate ways since you guys aren't getting along with each other. It seems like both Kyunghoon and Bora have also joined forces with another group. Was it those people who came a few days ago?" I spoke. Though, I didn't say that it was a piece of information I got from Mikyung. I felt like it would be a big problem if Kyunghoon knew about it.

"Didn't you say you hate outsiders?" Hyung-jun Hyung furrowed his eyebrows.

"They are capable and good-natured people." Kyunghoon answered.

"Seongho here is also capable. Moreover, he also gets along well with all of us." Of course, Kyunghoon wouldn't want to be included in that 'us'. He hated me, after all.

This time, Bora sighed. "Yes, oppa. We did join hands with some other people. But that's not wrong, isn't it? We need to level up quickly and open the Auction House."

"What are you going to do once you open it? Didn't you say that there will be no one there this early?"

Kyunghoon beat his chest at Hyung-jun Hyung's words. "You don't seem to understand! By now the stagnant waters will already be there. Making friends with them is much better than looting and farming. How many times should I tell you?"

"Why would the stagnant waters pay any attention to us? Have you ever met them? Or have you ever played with them?"

"Ah Seriously... You know nothing!"

They were really like water and oil. It seems that until now both of them have been arguing like this. I'll have to stop them. Decisions wouldn't be made if they keep arguing like this.

"Since both of you really didn't get along, let's just stop and separate. It seems that Kyunghoon and Bora are more comfortable with those guys who came a few days ago, and Hyung-nim is also more comfortable with me. Pack 2 people worth of supplies, and we'll help you move."

"Help them move? How?" Hyung-jun Hyung asked, seemingly bewildered.

"It's not that hard. Mikyung will lure the zombies with her ability and the rest of us will help them carry their luggage to the halfway point."

"..." Hyung-jun Hyung only closed his eyes. It seems like he didn't disagree with my proposal. So, what remains was the decision of Kyunghoon and Bora.

Kyunghoon looked at me after talking to Bora in a whisper. "What if we don't leave?"

"Hyung-jun Hyung, Yoohyeon, and Mikyung will probably be the one to leave." I said. One way or another, the separation seemed to have been confirmed. If Kyunghoon trolls more than this in the near future, I would have no option but to kill him myself.

He contemplated for a while before opening his mouth once again. "Let's separate then. It's inevitable at this point. However, let me remind you, Manager. If you keep doing what you do without actively hunting, sooner or later, you'll be culled. Not by those zombies, but by other survivors."

"Is that so? Then let me remind you too. If you keep talking like that, someday, you'll be in trouble."

"What's wrong with my way of talking?"

Hyung-jun Hyung rolled his eyes at his question and raised his voice. "What qualifications do you have to tell people that they are going to be culled? Are you that good yourself?"

"No matter how many times I tell you..." Kyunghoon said, clearly frustrated. However, before he could finish his words, Bora pinched his side. "Ack... why?"

"Stop it. let's just leave." She told him in a high tone. She seems more rational than Kyunghoon. I must admit she had done a good job. After all, if he continued just a little bit more, I would probably kill him. It's easy since he's low levelled. And killing one person wouldn't turn me into a murderer.

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