Chapter 31: D - 4

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Early at dawn, I took a taxi from my house towards Pohang. My intention was to inform the Apocalypse Countermeasure Headquarters that had just been set up by the government about the exact time of the D-day.

"Though, I'm sure they will figure something out by themselves now that they have seen the living proof that the end is coming."

However, it seems that the President still needs more concrete evidence than the appearance of the zombie to make the decision. Because until late at night, the President had yet to give any sort of information or command.

Moreover, it seems like the government had failed to secure any more awakeners to recruit as well as the developer team of Survival Life. Which means, the only one who could provide them with the information was me.

I went near the sea where no one would come at the current time and called the government hotline using Kwon's phone that I stole. After a few beeps, a hoarse voice could be heard from the other end.

―Hello, Administrative Officer of the Apocalypse Countermeasures Headquarters, Lee Woo-beom, speaking.

"I know the exact time of the D-Day."

The man on the other side sighed at my words.

―I think I have received about 300 of such calls over the past few days... Do you also know it from ID I Love Gimbap?

Why are there so many people that fake-called them?

"The D-day is July 20th at 1pm. I repeat. July 20th, 1pm. If you don't believe me, then hear this. There must be two holes in the back of the head of the hobgoblin's corpse that had been recovered from Mt Gaya a few days ago."

The only people who know about that fact should be me as the one who hunted it down, the autopsy doctor, and some high-ranking people involved. If he asked one of them about that fact and confirmed that the fact is, indeed, true, then he should've realised that my words are true.

-Please wait a minute!

However, without hearing his words any longer, I hung up then threw the phone into the sea. I opened the portal then went inside it to change my clothes in order to cover my tracks. Actually, I did think that even if I didn't do such a thorough work on covering my tracks, I would still be fine. I simply couldn't imagine that the government, now that they knew about the exact date and time of the D-Day, would just use their force to track me down instead of preparing for the incoming end. However, it was always better to be safe than sorry. Always be wary in all kinds of situations, as you wouldn't know what could happen in the next moment. It will definitely be a huge help in surviving in a ruined world.

Of course, it didn't mean that it was a bad move to help other people, just like I did with Hyung-jun hyung, Mikyung and Sooyeon. We were on a friendly terms, after all. And maybe in the future, they would help me in return for helping them now. Karma exists, and it's best if you just stay on its good side.

I returned home and started to rummage through my Survival Life notes.

"Where are the patch notes..." In a few days, the world will turn into a fantasy world. Most of the population will be turned into zombies while a handful of people who were able to survive the initial breakout would be living in despair and chaos. That was what I thought, at least until yesterday.

The zombies that I met at the fishing boat were awfully weak. It was far cry from the intimidating zombies I faced back in the early days of Survival Life. It was clear that the appearances of those zombies followed the latest patch of Survival Life.

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