"that's one heck of a collaboration. i've got to say. how'd that work on the tour bus? was it a bit cluttered?" he asked. sean and i laughed along with the audience.

"it's great having you guys here on the show, and because we love you so much, it is time to play one of my personal favorites, spill your guts or fill your guts." james announced as he spun the table filled with peculiar delicacies. in front of me sat a thousand year old egg which was quite odious.

"but in favor of valentines day coming up, we wanted to throw a couple 'love/scandalous' questions in there. now, sean and kaycee, ahead of time, my writers spoke with your managers aka your mothers." james informed us and the audience. the audience released a chorus of 'ooh's'.

sean and i looked at each other now scared. "they gave us full permission to ask you any questions we wanted and that no question was too personal. very sweet ladies, might i add. they also said you guys can answer honestly so with that being said, let's start." james said with a wicked laugh.

i face palmed hoping there weren't too wild of questions. at this point, i didn't know what types of questions to expect. i glanced ahead at sean to see his reaction. he looked like he was contemplating if he wanted to be here anymore.

"how this is gonna work is: we are going to ask each other questions that none of us have seen yet. if you don't want to answer the question, you eat whatever dish the other gives you. i will ask kaycee, kaycee will ask sean, and sean will ask me. are you ready?" james explained. i nodded after taking a deep breath, which i immediately regretted as i smelled the odor of the foul egg.

sean nodded to james and we began the game. "okay kaycee, you will go first so pick a dish that you'd like sean to potentially eat." james said. i immediately perked up at the chance of getting payback at sean.

"hmm," i hummed while turning the table to look at everything. "come on, kayc. be nice to me." sean said while watching the table carefully. i continued to turn the table til my eyes landed on something. i smirk to myself and put the dish in front of sean. "i'm gonna give you the water scorpion."

"oh fuck." sean breathed out while covering his mouth disturbed, causing the audience to laugh. i drew a card from the stack of questions for him and read it. i snickered at the question which made sean nervous. "sean, you have done many collaborations in your career, including ones with tate mcrae, ian eastwood, and melvin timtim. list those experiences from best to worst." i said trying to hold in my laughter.

everyone laughed including james and i. sean groaned and stared at the scorpion. "i-i can't answer that." sean laughed. "i have to see these people monthly!"

i continued to giggle at the conflict he was having with himself. sean picked up the scorpion hesitantly. "you don't have to eat it. you can always answer the question." james said rubbing it in.

"who were the people again?" sean asked.

"ian eastwood, melvin timtim, and tate mcrae." i reminded him. he nodded and threw the scorpion into his mouth. i squealed in disgust as i heard the crunch. the audience gasped and applauded anyway.

sean gulped down water after swallowing it. "that was horrid." he said then clearing his throat.

"okay, let's do the next question. sean, you will now ask me, but first choose my doom." james said. sean rubbed his hands together ready for destruction. he turned the table and put bull's penis in front of him.

sean then picked up a card from the stack and read it. "james, who is the worst singer you've had as a guest on this show?" sean read then smirked. james put his head in his hands while muttering obscenities under his breath.

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