Ch 61 The Truth of that night

Start from the beginning

"Doe...s Ethan know?"

Soph manages to ask ,to only make more tears leave Vivian's eyes. She moves her head in s no, making Soph to curse.

"The fuck Vivian! Why haven't you told him ! Shit!"

"It doesn't matter doesn't matter. He never loved me...he said he loves you...I was just a good fuc* for him..."

"Dammit! That asshole! Did he say that?"

Vivian nods to only have Soph hold her head in her hands.

"Stop the car Vivian. Stop the car!"

Vivian agrees. Stopping the car at a side. To hold the steering wheel and let out her tears.

"My life is over will raise a baby? I am just 20? My step dad will throw me out of the house if he comes to know of this Soph. Everyone will point their fingers at will I do it?"

Soph pulls Vivian to her. Holding her shoulders to make her look at her.

"Listen to me V."

"No ...Soph... it's over-"

"The fuck V! Just listen!"

Soph says, nearly shaking her shoulders. Getting her out of her thoughts.

Holding Vivian's face in her hands, she whispers softly.

"Ethan loves you V. He always had. But it's just that he is confused of his own feelings."

"He is a fool! He doesn't know what he feels! It's all because of me....I... misguided him...I was afraid of loosing him so I lied to him...I said you liked Elijah as well ....I am sorry Vivian..."

"But trust me on this."

"I have seen him taking hidden glances at you...I have seen him punch boys behind your back to protect you...I have seen him getting jealous of Elijah...I have seen him missing you V......I have seen him loving you."

"I know him more than him."

"And I can bet on this. That he loves you...and only you Vivian."

Vivian stills. Staring at Soph. Not able to believe this.
Her hands moving down to encircle around her stomach.

"But he said...he loved you Soph...he...."

"He said and you belived him Vivian? He cares for me...yes but he doesn't love me like he loves you V. I am sure he said just to push you away..."

"He thought you will be more happy with Elijah...he thought he didn't deserve you V...he said all that so that you stop loving him."

Vivian places her forehead on the steering wheel. Crying. To only have Soph place her hand on her shoulder.

"Tell him the truth V. Tell him about your baby. He deserves to know. And I can promise you."

"That he will accept you. He truly loves you."

Soph takes out her phone from her pocket, calling Ethan.
While Vivian's eyes widen.

"No ..Soph..."

"Shh trust me. Tell him everything V. I know he loves you."

Soph offers her the phone and Vivian holds it with her trembling hands. Cleaning the tears from her sleeves.

The bell rings and the anxiety in their stomach worsens. When he answers finally.

"Not right now Soph. We will talk later."

He says without listening anything, to make Vivian literally scream.

"No Ethan wait!"

There is silence on the other side of the line. Until he finally speaks in disbelief.

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