"And what do you think now?"

  I contemplate how to answer her question, trying my best to not make the situation worse. "Well, I see an incredibly strong, beautiful, woman who doesn't have to hold it all together if she doesn't want to."  Opal drops her head a bit, knowing I'm right in giving her the go ahead to show her emotions if it's what she needs to do. "How about some breakfast?"

   She lifts her gaze and nods quietly, "okay."

   "Then I can take you to Magnolia if you want, since I'm gonna need to get myself a room," I chuckle. 

   "You're staying?" she asks, seemingly nervous to hear my answer. "For a bit." Opal pulls me close to her again, "thank you."

   'Anything for you,' I think to myself but instead just say "you're welcome."


   A decision is made to just grab a few things from Cafe Shay and head on over to Magnolia since Opal didn't really want to be seen in the clothes she wore last night during the incident. I'm fine either way, but will do whatever she wants, without question.

   I walk her to the carriage house and help her get settled. "I'm gonna go see if I can get a room for the night." I walk back towards the door.

   Opal shakes her head. "I'll take care of it, just give me a second." I watch her grab her cell, press a button or two and lift it to her ear. "Hey AnnaBeth, it's Opal. Do we have any available rooms for the night?" She pauses, listening to the girl on the other line. "Oh really? That's strange, I hope they're okay." Another bout of silence. "Okay, well I'm gonna need at least one room. If you can put it under my name please. Room 7, that's perfect. Thanks AnnaBeth. I'll be over in a bit." She hangs up and moves towards the small closet. "We were suppose to be full for a convention but their flight was canceled due to weather, so we are completely empty tonight."

   "You'll probably get some rooms filled before the day is over," I offer. Opal shakes her head. "No. It's rare, very rare, that we get a guest for the day of. So, you'll have the whole place to yourself."

   "I don't need much, a bed and a bathroom, since I'm planning on spending all of my time with you." I don't think Opal realizes that I can see the change of color come across her cheeks. 

   "I'm just gonna try and make myself look presentable, then we'll go get you checked in," she tells me as she grabs her items and moves towards the bathroom. 

   "You're already gorgeous, I'm not sure what else you can do." 

   "And you're still smug," she teases back behind the closed door. 

   While Opal takes her time getting ready for the day, I decide to set out our breakfast and warm up the coffee we purchased. Opal doesn't know but I did grab her a pumpkin and cream cheese muffin. She joins me just as I begin to check my email from my phone.

   "I was wrong," I say. Opal looks back at me confused. "You went from gorgeous to stunning. How is it possible?" Opal rolls her eyes as she looks down at her clothes, a simple orange long sleeve tee that has her monogram stitched in the middle, with a pair of worn out jeans, her hair tossed back into a ponytail. 

   As she walks over to the table I move to pull her chair out for her. "Really?" she asks.

   "Uh, yes, really." She moves in front of the chair and I slide it in as she sits. 

   "You don't have to baby me, Chris."

   "I don't know what you're talking about. I'd do this on any date," I assure her, taking my  own seat. 

   "This isn't a date."

   I act as though I've been shot through the heart, gripping my chest. "OH how you hurt me, woman."

   "This is you trying to put your  mind at ease. I'm fine, truly," she promises me, but I know she's lying because she won't look me in the eye when she says it.

   "Let me be concerned, please. Just let me take care of you today."

   "Is it worth arguing about?" she asks me, although she already knows the answer.

   "No, ma'am."

   "So demanding," Opal huffs out before bowing her head and blessing our food.

   "Get use to it, sweetheart."


Opal POV

   I'm realizing more and more how much this man brings me comfort. How my heart leapt with joy at the sight of him standing in Laura's kitchen. How thankful I am that he came without me asking, knowing I would never have asked him to come.  But is it real? Or is my heart betraying me because a man is paying me attention, leading me to believe there's more here than there actually is? 

   Breakfast was pleasant, just as anytime with Chris is pleasant. He asked about Pops and I told him he'd been moved to a rehab facility close to the hospital. I told him that Lily and Jameson would be returning from their honeymoon tomorrow. 

   I take my last swallow of coffee and begin cleaning up from our meal. "Ready to get you checked in? You must be tired, driving all night."

   "I'm doing alright for now. Working a couple of stake outs prepares me for 24 hour days." 

   Chris goes and grabs his bag from the car and meets me in the lobby of Magnolia. 

   "AnnaBeth, can you have the staff meet me in the dining room in five minutes?" I ask the young woman behind the desk. "Yes, ma'am." She moves from behind the desk and sets to work locating everyone. I take her place behind the desk, checking Chris into his room. 

   "You're in luck. Your room was empty last night and is already clean and ready," I tell him, opening the drawer to grab the key. I toss it over the desk to him. "It's room 7."

   "Aren't you coming with me?"

   "I'll be up in a little bit. I'm gonna speak with my staff first." I move towards the dining room as I notice several staff have already come in. 


   "Good morning, Ms. Lucas," I'm greeted by several of the workers. 

   "Good morning, everyone. I wanted to take just a couple of minutes to let you know that we won't be having our full house tonight as we originally thought. Their flight was canceled so we will be empty tonight, well almost. I want to give everyone the rest of the day and all night off tonight. You can come back at lunch tomorrow. Any questions?"

   "I thought you reserved a room for tonight," AnnaBeth mentions. 

   "I did. My, uh, my house was broken into last night, so I'm just going to stay here for now. But I don't need a staff," I assure all of them as I can see the looks on their faces from my announcement.

   "Are you sure," Burt, the security guard asks.  I nod with a smile. "I'm sure." I'll have a cop here with me, but they don't need to know that.

   "So, finish up whatever you were doing, and take off. I'll see you all tomorrow afternoon." I stay standing in place as several come up questioning me about last night, offering hugs and words of encouragement.  I take it all in, although my skin is beginning to crawl and there's that all too familiar tightening in my chest again. I need to go before I fall into another attack. "Excuse me," I say before moving towards the stairs.

   I rapt my knuckles quickly upon Room 7's door. "It's unlocked," Chris calls out. 

   As soon as I walk in a sob escapes my chest as I fall back onto the closed door. "Opal!" Chris rushes over to me from across the room. I find myself sliding down the door until my bottom hits the wood floor. My eyes are shut tight but I feel strong hands cup my face. "Shush, sh, sh, sh..." his rhythmic sounds attempting to comfort me as I grip his biceps in my own hands, clinging to him.  He moves his hands from my face to my arms and pulls me into his lap. 

   For the next thirty minutes I sit there, letting him hold me as I weep he strokes my hair. Chris pours words of reassurance and affection over me. The types of words I've always wanted to hear, and yet never knew how much I needed them.

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