Pinky x Male Reader x Missy

Start from the beginning


When I reached one the doors closed and the went of trapping the other girls inside. When we got far away from the prison we broke into some random car and headed to Y/N.

Y/Ns P.O.V.

I was sound asleep when I heard the doorknob to my house being tempered with.I went down in my spare uniform,I sleep in case of emergency,but I only saw opened doors.Whoever it was they must be inside with me.I locked the doors again and started searching through the house and the dark.

I saw a dark slim figure figure and jumped at them,pinning them on the floor.Out of nowhere the lights turned on and I saw that i was pinning down that dark brown haired girl girl from the prison.


Missy:Hello cute stuff.

???:And good night!

Pinkys P.O.V.

After turning on the lights I grabbed a frying pan and knocked him out and making him fall on Missy but he was cleary too heavy for her.

Pinky:Need a hand?

Missy:No rush here.

Timeskip Y/Ns P.O.V.

I woke up with a major headeache as I opened my eyes to see Im tied to a chair in my own house by escyped deliquents.

Pinky:Look who finally woke up.Missy was hopping for a sleeping beauty scenario.I take it you know who we are?

Y/N:I learned the necesarry info on all the inmates.

Missy:Good.Then you know not to mess with us.We know your secret.

Y/N:W-What secret?

The one with the headband leaned in towards me,her face and smirk mere centimeters from me which made me blush.

Pinky:Youre not as tough as you pretend to be.You can drop the act.We dont mind.

Y/N:I have no idea what youre talking about.

She then did something they just dont train you for in the academy.She sat on my lap and placed her left arm around my shoulders.The other one just leaned in from behind.

Missy:Then why are you blushing huh?Never had a girlfriend before and now youre turning lobster red from just being near us.

The one sitting on my lap took out a swiss knife out of her pocket and pointed it at my chest.

Pinky:You better talk,Id hate to ruin such a face.

Y/N:Fine,I was always single and I never had much interaction with girls.

She then petted my cheek and sat up.

Pinky:See,that wasnt so hard now was it?

Y/N:What are you planning to do with me?

Missy:Not much.We want to get out of this town and take you with us.

Y/N:Youll never get away with this!

Missy:Weve been though worse.Now,if were gonna make fake IDs do you want to keep your first name or?

Y/N:Im not going with you.

Pinky:Isnt he just cute.

I felt something hard hit my head as I feel on the floor with my vision fading.Last thing I saw was Pinky crouched down and blowing me a kiss.

Timeskip approximately 4h 21 min No ones P.O.V.

Pinky and Missy grabbed several boxes of Y/Ns things and took his car before heading out the Massachusetts and straight to New York.They bought a house with money they stole on the way and brought Y/N stuff inside.Around that time Y/N began to wake up.

Y/N:What happened?

Pinky:We found ourselves a new place.You can be a good imobile cop and surreder so youre not constantly tied up.What do you say?

Y/N:Youll let me go?



They tied him out and he could finally stad up and rub the place he was tied in pain.Pinky then got behind Y/N giving him a hug.

Pinky:Now you have to promise not to escape us.

Missy:And we know youre too good to go back on your promise.

Missy then got close enough to press her hand against Y/Ns cheek making him blush.


Pinky:Good boy.And for that you get a prize.Get you gues what it is?


Over the time of their stay,Y/N couldnt get out of the house without either Pinky or Missy but most often it was both of them.He of course couldnt get a job as a policeman again so they tried to find him something which didn't require him to be away from them for two long.

They persuaded the bank menager to give him a job checking the systems from home.That way they could keep their eyes on him the entire day.At this moment Y/N was working late at night,making sure no one tried to hack the banks computer after everyone left.

Missy:Cmon Y/N.Everythings safe.Our series is about to start.

Y/N turned from his chair with visible tiredness on his face as he drank some water.

Y/N:I have to do my job and if I dont and they get robbed,youre going back to jail.Hey where is Pinky?

Missy:You worry to much.And she left saying how she had some unfinished bussiness.

Y/Ns face fills with dread and he turns back to the computer to see what has she done.Doors opened to reveal Pinky wasnt robbing the bank but in fact just went to buy a movie.

Pinky:Did I miss anything?

Missy:Just Y/N worriyng his head about us.

Pinky:How sweet of our working man.Now stop looking into that computer.If anything happens it was the night guards fault.Id say its time for our family emergancy.

Y/N:What family emergancy?

Missy:The one that you forgot to tell your boss about before leaving town for a week.

Pinky:Make it two.

Y/N:You two are evil masterminds.But thats why I fell for you.Eventually.

Author:(This was my first time wrighting about actual criminals so I just improvised.Its easier with villians that just want to rule the world.Also I published that cartoon I mentioned.)

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