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Oh. My. God.

I can not believe it is over!

Thank you all so much for reading this story, I have never had a McLennon story that has been talked about to my face and with other people as much as His Majesty. The fact that people love this story so much is amazing to me.

I began writing this story in around February. It was an idea I had had for almost a year already, and I decided the time was right to begin writing it. I postponed my other project, and began writing His Majesty, which I enjoyed writing a lot more.

In February, I was going through a rough time, being homeschooled and alone in my house for hours at a time. Those beginning chapters are sometimes difficult for me to read because a lot of the things I spoke about that are rather deep are things I was feeling myself. As the months went on, I began to feel much better, spending time with my wonderful boyfriend after not seeing him for three months, going back to actual school and socialising.

This story has taken me longer to write than any other. If I am correct, it has taken nine months. Babies being conceived when I first began this story have now been born... My God XD.

But seriously, I do not like how slow the updates to this fic were, and I am hoping to be a lot swifter with updates to my next stories. Life can get in the way, but I am passionate when it comes to writing and so I will do what it takes to update like I used to when I first started writing!

My next story will be a sequel to an old Wattpad story of mine, for tomorrow. It will begin fairly soon, but before it begins, I will of course post the first story onto AO3 in its entirety, for my ao3 readers! I hope most of you wish to stick around to read it, it really will be another good one.

Anyways, once more, thank you all for joining me on this journey. Whether you were here from the beginning, began reading at some point in the middle or near the end, or even are reading this after this story has been completed, thank you so much. The amount of love this story has received has been incredible, and it is something I will never forget.

I love you all so much, I always will.

-Elizabeth ❤️

His Majesty (Slide Away)Where stories live. Discover now