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(TW- Violence...)

The whole of the Chapel had fallen into a horrifying silence, the television cameras having all turned away from the scene playing out infront.

In the man's hands was an AK-47, and the person he was aiming it right at, was Mike.

"On your feet!" He shouted at the king, voice stern yet... Distressed.

He was a tall man, around 6 foot, John would say, and he was incredibly skinny. He was dressed formal, of course, everywhere but his hair, which had been so scruffily cut into what John could only describe as a really bad moptop that ended just above his shoulders.

John would have cared to inspect him more if he wasn't pointing a gun at the brother of his lover.

But all John could do was stare at the scene in complete shock and horror, looking back at Mike and the threatener, then over to Paul to try and grab the Omegas attention. But the younger was staring at the gun.

God Paul was over there, too!

It had been at least 5 seconds, yet Mike hadn't moved. John's guess was that Mike was hoping the army would turn up any minute, but the Prince knew that was unlikely. Any movement from the army and Mike would have been the shortest reigning monarch in the history of every kingdom ever.

"I said on your feet!" The man shouted at Mike, his anger radiating throughout the hall.

He pointed the gun to the floor, around two metres infront of Mike, and shot the ground. Three bullets emptied onto the ground, and practically everyone in the chapel screamed in fear. If that man wanted to... He could shoot every royal down in just a few seconds.

How the fuck did he get in?

What on Earth was his problem?!

It was safe to say that Mike immediately jumped onto his feet, the cloak falling from his shoulders and back onto the throne.

For a few seconds, John did not see a King, he saw a terrified sixteen year old boy, and he had seen enough. He tried to get onto his feet, to go over there and just... Hurt that strange man! That evil sod!

But Ringo had sensed this, and John had raised his body around an inch in the air when the older Alpha had grabbed his shoulders and kept him on the bench. The Prince's eyes then fell upon Paul again, who looked just as terrified.

"That's it..." The man condescendingly spoke down to Mike, before turning to his left. The gun was now facing four of the royal families, and each family member let out a cry. "Get up!" They all immediately jumped to their feet, many of them letting out cries of despair. Paul also jumped up, sat on their side of the room.

Once the man was satisfied with everyone's stance, he did a 180° circle, soon facing the other side of the Chapel. Aquitaine's side of the Chapel.

But the man did not point the gun at all of that side of the room, just one person. The woman sat behind John.


"You..." His voice was quieter when he addressed her, almost at a whisper. But it was still ever so threatening. "You get down here, now..." His tone was gentle-like, but the cruel tones were was still there.

John looked over to Paul, who was now also looking at him. They shared a look of terror. Through just their minds they both shared the same response. What the fuck, who the fuck, and 'I love you'. Paul was almost shaking in fear, and John needed to get to him...

"Get down here..." He repeated, in that same, terrifyingly gentle tone.

It took her at least three seconds to respond.

His Majesty (Slide Away)Where stories live. Discover now